To: Joe Boucher
Every time this senile bag of excrement opens his mouth, the odds of him being defeated increase. That said however, he does represent an area that is heavily weighted with dems. Older dems to boot. The x factor is that most of his constituents are the old school dems, not the neolibs that are typical of the dems elsewhere. If it swings on looks alone, he doesn't have a prayer IMHO.
12 posted on
03/25/2006 3:52:34 AM PST by
("isn't THAT amazing?" - Ron Popiel)
To: chief_bigfoot
Thanks for the post chief.
16 posted on
03/25/2006 3:55:55 AM PST by
Joe Boucher
(an enemy of islam)
To: chief_bigfoot
Every time this senile bag of excrement opens his mouth, the odds of him being defeated increase
And the downside is.......? :-)
36 posted on
03/25/2006 5:07:09 AM PST by
(Purple Fingers Rule!)
To: chief_bigfoot; Joe Boucher
That said however, he does represent an area that is heavily weighted with dems. Older dems to boot. Ex-Marine Murtha's district went for Kerry by about 51-49%. Yes, he can be beaten.
95 posted on
03/27/2006 7:15:58 AM PST by
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