He thinks it will turn into another Dubai type fiasco for the Administration. Figures. It wasn't W's admin that started handing port contracts to foreign companies, yet Hillary will be the first to blame him for it.
Likewise furor over the first Patriot Act, from the same people who insisted on the Anti-terrorism Act of 1996 (which contains all the stuff the left complains about in Patriot).
And let's blame Bush for immigration policies, too, not Ted Kennedy!
Check your score card. Like it or not, this is the Bush Watch -- 2nd Term. It has been the Bush Watch since he was inaugurated for his first term. What happens on his watch IS his responsibility.
[Your argument reminds me of a former Dept Head who kept blaming her predecessor for all her ills for well over a year. One day, she blamed the former for some situation. I reminded her that 'former' was long gone before the current project ever came into existence. He had nothing to do with it. It was her 'baby'. She finally came to the realization that she could no longer blame 'former' for all her ills.]