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Fmr. Saddam General Georges Sada On The Daily Show; Says WMDS Existed, Were Moved (VIDEO)
Free Republic's member Ian Schwartz's website 'Expose The Left' ^ | Wednesday March 22nd, 2006 | Ian Schwartz

Posted on 03/22/2006 2:07:30 PM PST by ajolympian2004

March 22, 2006
Fmr. Saddam General Georges Sada On The Daily Show; Says WMDS Existed, Were Moved (VIDEO)

(Hat Tip: Instapundit)

General Georges Sada, who served under the command of Saddam Hussein, appeared on The Daily Show last night to discuss his new book “Saddam’s Secrets“:

In his book and on The Daily Show, Sada says that Weapons of Mass Destruction existed, however they were moved to Syria prior to the American invasion in 2003. Stewart asks how he knows this; was it by documents or video, Sada responds: “I was the number two man in the air force”.

Full transcript below.

Last week I posted three audio clips of Sada interviewed on The Mike Rosen Show. He discussed the WMDs Saddam owned and Hussein’s planned attack against Israel.


JON STEWART, HOST: Then, is the battle between our two countries, was it drummed up between Saddam and his interests to dominate the Arab world and our interests to have stability? Was it inevitable? Is it something that came through misunderstandings of culture?

GENERAL GEORGES SADA: Well let me tell you, it was not misunderstanding between the cultures, but t was the Saddam intentions and Saddam wanted to rule that part of the world. He was always going to go for weapons and of course he had weapons of mass destruction that he had managed to hide and to mislead the United Nations countries.

STEWART: This is obviously the most controversial part of the book. In it you say that right before the invasion of Iraq Saddam had his weapons of mass destruction taken to Syria.

SADA: That’s true. He had them there before Americans came and liberated the country. The weapons were transported to Syria by air and by ground.

STEWART: That would seemingly get the Bush administration off the giant hook that it appears to be on. Why wouldn’t they pursue that line of evidence? Or have they? It seems like for us it would be hard to understand that that really happened. Given that the whole world was looking for those.

SADA: I am sure in the coming days the authorities are going to tell the public and tell all Americans after they will have all the evidence in their hands and they can verify everything to the Americans.

STEWART: You still feel, now this is first-hand knowledge of yours? Somebody told you this? You’ve seen it in documents? You’ve seen it on video.

SADA: Oh yes, the weapons of mass destruction I have seen them myself because you see I was the number two man in the air force. Then I know how they were used against our nation. Of course—
STEWART: But in the later ‘90s after they thought they had rid them of it, you still saw them.

SADA: After the ‘90s they were there. How I knew they were there, after they were transported the pilots who transported they told me.

STEWART: The guys that flew them …

SADA: The guys who were responsible.

STEWART: How do you fly a weapon? Isn’t that a large thing or do you put it….

SADA: No. They are raw materials; some of them are like barrels, yellow barrels, of course, with skulls and cross bones on them.

STEWART: You think if you’re going to hide that stuff you think you might paint something like you know, spam.


STEWART: In your mind this will all come out. We will learn that there are weapons of mass destruction. You can understand how it’s hard for us to be a little bit skeptical but I like you.

*** NOTE *** Please click on DOWNLOAD links to get the video.

TOPICS: Extended News; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 3rdanniversary; 850am; commedychannel; dailyshow; exposetheleft; georgesada; georgessada; gwot; hussein; ianschwartz; iraq; iraqairacademy; iraqdocs; iraqfreedom; iraqigeneral; israel; jonstewart; koa; mikerosen; newmedia; rosen; sada; saddam; saddamhussein; saddamssecrets; saddamtrial; syria; talkradio; waronterror; wmd; wot
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More great links re: former Iraqi General George Sada -
1 posted on 03/22/2006 2:07:44 PM PST by ajolympian2004
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To: ajolympian2004

The Daily Show?

2 posted on 03/22/2006 2:10:19 PM PST by A Balrog of Morgoth (With fire, sword, and stinging whip I drive the RINOs in terror before me.)
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To: pinz-n-needlez; onyx; ohioWfan; Texasforever; BigSkyFreeper; Tamzee; mrs tiggywinkle; Dog; ...

FYI ping

3 posted on 03/22/2006 2:12:01 PM PST by Mo1 ("Stupidity is also a gift from God, but it should not be abused." Pope John Paul II)
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To: A Balrog of Morgoth

Millions of stoners probably wrote it off as a weed-induced hallucination.

4 posted on 03/22/2006 2:13:21 PM PST by Gordongekko909 (I know. Let's cut his WHOLE BODY off.)
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To: ajolympian2004

Careful. I know that what he is selling is essentially what I want to hear, but skepticism of this fellow is recommended.

5 posted on 03/22/2006 2:13:41 PM PST by NutCrackerBoy
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To: ajolympian2004

I was actually flipping last night and happened to see this. I was stunned this was on the Daily Show of all places. Jon Stewart seemed skeptical, but was polite I thought. Very interesting stuff, although every time I hear things of this nature I get annoyed with the adminstration for giving in to the "No WMDs" Crowd.

6 posted on 03/22/2006 2:13:56 PM PST by MrBlueSky2005
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To: NutCrackerBoy
Careful. I know that what he is selling is essentially what I want to hear, but skepticism of this fellow is recommended.

I agree, but it's not as if he's the first person to make this claim. I was convinced at least a year ago that these weapons were moved to Syria.

7 posted on 03/22/2006 2:16:51 PM PST by SittinYonder (That's how I saw it, and see it still.)
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To: A Balrog of Morgoth
This is really sad that this guy is relegated to the Daily Show to get the word out.

You'd think 60 Minutes, 20/20, Dateline, Today Show, GMA, any network news show etc. would be interested. I guess they are too busy calling President Bush a liar to notice.

Good for him though. At least some young people heard Sada's side.
8 posted on 03/22/2006 2:16:56 PM PST by Republican Red ("How good is it? Al-Jazeera gave it 4 1/2 pipe bombs")
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To: Gordongekko909

Retired in 1986, became a born-again Christian, imprisoned in 1991, and his buddies told him they moved the WMD's to Syria...
I'm not saying it ain't so, but he's peddling a book remember.
I'll wait for the crucial second and third source.

9 posted on 03/22/2006 2:17:41 PM PST by soupcon
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To: Gordongekko909
Millions of stoners probably wrote it off as a weed-induced hallucination.

Good that the word is getting out though... even if it is to an audience of mostly raving leftist lunatics. You can bet that at least a small percentage got the message.

Make sure to check out the Mike Rosen interview audio link in my repost Ian's article here. It's the best interview by far for the former Iraqi General... three 20 minute segments worth.

10 posted on 03/22/2006 2:17:58 PM PST by ajolympian2004
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To: MrBlueSky2005

I, too, am annoyed.

I suspect the reason was Russian complicity in the removal, and there was some sort of trade for co-operation in another arena.

That, or a Rovian plot for the Dims to be inevitably wed to a to-be-proven wrong position, such that they look like complete idiots.

11 posted on 03/22/2006 2:18:24 PM PST by MeanWestTexan (Many at FR would respond to Christ "Darn right, I'll cast the first stone!")
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To: ajolympian2004

It's interesting that the MSM has refused to acknowledge this guy but I have failed to see them doing any "investigative" reporting themselves. They just take selective documents and skew them or embrace them depending on which support their arguments. In other words LAZY JOURNALIST!

12 posted on 03/22/2006 2:19:20 PM PST by Wasanother (Terrorist come in many forms but all are RATS.)
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To: NutCrackerBoy
Careful. I know that what he is selling is essentially what I want to hear,

That's what the administration said about Chalabi too. You remember, the guy the US government paid hundreds of thousands of dollars?

13 posted on 03/22/2006 2:22:59 PM PST by billbears (Deo Vindice)
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To: Mo1

I was convinced, probably a little over 2 years ago, that the weapons were moved. Syria seemed to me at the time to be the only logical conclusion.

14 posted on 03/22/2006 2:28:30 PM PST by BigSkyFreeper (There is no alternative to the GOP except varying degrees of insanity.)
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To: billbears

It's pretty much the same that Scott Ritter said until Saddam paid him to change his tune.

15 posted on 03/22/2006 2:29:05 PM PST by massgopguy (massgopguy)
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To: soupcon

The bottom line - until someone starts pulling WMD out of bunkers or out of the ground in Syria, this is all just worthless hearsay.

16 posted on 03/22/2006 2:31:39 PM PST by lugsoul ("Crash" - the movie that teaches we are all incurable racists, except when we are not.)
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To: ajolympian2004
Obviously, this guy is being paid by the CIA.
Or he's lying to sell lots of books
Or he's not even Iraqi
Or he's a shiite, or a Sunna, whichever hates Saddam...


But Dan Rathers clumsy forgeries were fake, but true.

There's no explaining the sick liberal mind...

17 posted on 03/22/2006 2:31:44 PM PST by Publius6961 (Multiculturalism is the white flag of a dying country)
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To: ajolympian2004
Well, at least Stewart let the guy on the show.

I also want to see corroborating proof. I believe the documents as they are gone through will show these things to be true or not. Already the documents show deceptions and lies on Saddams part well into the nineties. Of course its up to us to get that story out.
18 posted on 03/22/2006 2:32:19 PM PST by Names Ash Housewares
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To: SittinYonder; NutCrackerBoy
NCB: "Careful. I know that what he is selling is essentially what I want to hear, but skepticism of this fellow is recommended."

SY: I agree, but it's not as if he's the first person to make this claim. I was convinced at least a year ago that these weapons were moved to Syria.

Well that weaponsMD existed in not in dispute. That evidence is well substantiated. The second part, that they were spirited to Syria, needs some verification if you ask me. Yes, we like what he is saying, BUT unlike the demonRats, we have to rely on truth not rumors.

Why is that? I don't know but it is true. We're held to a different standard.
We just can't get away with using the Dan Rather TANG defense:
"false but essentially true."

19 posted on 03/22/2006 2:33:41 PM PST by ThirstyMan (hysteria: the elixir of the Left that trumps all reason)
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To: ajolympian2004

Mark for later download and inclusion in my Iraqi Freedom DVD.

20 posted on 03/22/2006 2:34:07 PM PST by Spiff ("They start yelling, 'Murderer!' 'Traitor!' They call me by name." - Gael Murphy, Code Pink leader)
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