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Carlos Santana Speaks Out Against Bush
Yahoo/AP ^
| 3/20/2006
Posted on 03/20/2006 7:15:07 PM PST by Born Conservative
LIMA, Peru - Carlos Santana quoted his old friend Jimi Hendrix in an anti-war message here Monday and said his philosophy is the antithesis of President George W. Bush's.
"I have wisdom. I feel love. I live in the present and I try to present a dimension that brings harmony and healing," the 58-year-old rock icon said. "My concept is the opposite of George W. Bush."
Santana, speaking to Peruvian journalists ahead of a Tuesday concert, said young people's opposition to the war in Iraq is reaching the dimensions of the anti-Vietnam war sentiment in the 1970s.
"There is more value in placing a flower in a rifle barrel than making war," he said. "As Jimi Hendrix used to say, musical notes have more importance than bullets."
In 1971, Santana was prevented from performing in Peru by the military dictatorship, which deemed his music an "alienating" force. Santana returned to perform in 1995.
TOPICS: Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: aginghippie; agitprop; bushhater; carlossantana; commiesymp; copycat; derivativerock; getalife; hollyweird; liberalelite; musicplagiarizer; otherpeoplessongs; santana; shaddapandsing; shutupandsing; stonedagain; usefulidiot; vietnammoron
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To: Born Conservative
Reason number 76 that I don't like him, and he's so overrated as a guitarist/musician. Give me JIMMY PAGE any day over this communist..........
To: Born Conservative
young people's opposition to the war in Iraq is reaching the dimensions of the anti-Vietnam war sentiment in the 1970s.
Clearly displayed by the vast crowds that are too angry to get out and protest.
posted on
03/20/2006 7:17:04 PM PST
(Never a minigun handy when you need one.)
To: Born Conservative
And I'd like to take this opportunity to speak out against guitarists who bend every other note and sustain it with gobs of overdrive for 5 minutes.
posted on
03/20/2006 7:17:32 PM PST
Mr. Mojo
To: Born Conservative
Good grief!
Will these flower children EVER grow UP?
posted on
03/20/2006 7:17:45 PM PST
(Intelligent people recognize Intelligent Design (God) !)
To: Born Conservative
SO Carlos likes Saddam and his rape and torture rooms?
Somebody confiscate is tacos NOW!
posted on
03/20/2006 7:18:29 PM PST
A CA Guy
(God Bless America, God bless and keep safe our fighting men and women.)
To: Born Conservative
Carlos the one hit wonder speaks! Listen up, you dumbies!
posted on
03/20/2006 7:18:32 PM PST
Revolting cat!
("In the end, nothing explains anything.")
To: Born Conservative
"There is more value in placing a flower in a rifle barrel than making war," he said."
What an assclown.
posted on
03/20/2006 7:18:41 PM PST
To: Born Conservative
bush evil, liberalism good - what a surprise.
sad most look up to hollywood as role models and this country is shifting to the left fast. satan is happy.
To: Born Conservative
Is he still calling himself Devadip? Or was that just his 80s phase? Wonder what Iron Butterfly's thoughts are on all of this?
posted on
03/20/2006 7:19:02 PM PST
To: Born Conservative
Useful Idiot that can only play the same notes, over and over, and over , and over , and over....
posted on
03/20/2006 7:19:13 PM PST
(Polls are for Strippers.)
To: Born Conservative
posted on
03/20/2006 7:19:25 PM PST
(Jack Bauer: "By the time I'm finished with you you're going to wish you felt this good again".)
To: Born Conservative
posted on
03/20/2006 7:19:34 PM PST
Luis Gonzalez
(Some people see the world as they would want it to be, effective people see the world as it is.)
To: Born Conservative
Good God, Carlos, shut up and play. I don't take political advice from rock musicians any more than I take medical advice from bus drivers.
To: Born Conservative
Musicians... is there anything they don't know?
posted on
03/20/2006 7:19:45 PM PST
To: cripplecreek
Another old hippie that thinks we should give the terrorists hugs and kisses with a side of cookies and that will make things better. These people need to get a clue.
To: knyteflyte3
I always thought that Santana was overrated too. I never understood his appeal as a guitarist.
To: speedy
I don't know about Iron Butterfly, but I hear that Strawberry Alarm Clock is with us!
posted on
03/20/2006 7:20:06 PM PST
Revolting cat!
("In the end, nothing explains anything.")
To: Born Conservative
posted on
03/20/2006 7:20:35 PM PST
(W, I am with YA)
To: speedy
Iron B just got a corporate sponsor.
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