Moronic Convergence in Hollywood
LGF operative Ringo the Gringo was at yesterdays moronic convergence in Hollywood with his camera, and emailed more than 80 photos of the reality-based community doing the anti-war mambo. The crowds are getting smaller at these demonstrations, but as youll see in this slideshow I put together, the remaining moonbats are getting even battier: . There were between 2000 and 3000 people tops at the San Francisco rally. It was one of their smallest ever. They're become weaker on every front, I'm glad to say.I notice in the pictures they getting more and more anti-semetic. There're more and more Hitler, SS and Nazi refererences. Unbelievable.
Oh, class act. And that table with all the Marxist propaganda on it is a direct flash-back to Berkeley days. pathetic.
If I were the last man on earth, I wouldn't even let you get in the line. |
Hey, I wonder if that chick is serious. She's kinda hot.
They are pleading for Mumia to be "freed" and then make the case against the death penalty. Someone should ask this useful idiot if she is aware that Mumia is off death row.