Good article and very disturbing.
IMHO, the Serbian situation has always been a little complicated and there were definitely times when they were not the good guys; but in this conflict, the Albanians (or at any rate, the Muslims) were the aggressors, and had been stirring things up for years. They had been tightly controlled under Communism, and when that collapsed, their dreams of taking over revived immediately.
Bill Clinton, quite simply, hated Christians in particular and the West in general and took any opportunity to side with anybody who also hated them. His siding with the Albanians was essentially his way of telling the world what side he was on. I think the message was pretty clear, and the fact that his actions created a terrorist training center for attacks on the West doesn't bother him - or people such as Albright - at all.
Sadly, I don't see our current administration having either the nerve or the will to do anything to change the outcome of Bill's War.
You are right, as we are even working on the Russians and with China with some bartering points, so they won't block the independence issue.
What to do...?