Posted on 03/16/2006 8:45:32 PM PST by Nita Nupress
This is Thread #4 for all FReepers who took the Jung Typology Test,
also known as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI) personality test.
A special thanks to the people who offered their HTML expertise on the other thread. Some of them took some
significant time out of their day to help, and I really appreciate it. I couldn't have posted this without their help!
Physicist, ThePythonicCow, cgk, demoRat watcher, RedBloodedAmerican,
DrewsDad, Eastbound, RunningWolf, ndt, & SouthernBoyupNorth.
(Skip to next section)
(Go straight to the TABLES!)
Previous threads:
Thread #1:
Freeper Research Project: Freeper personality tests
Posted by Alamo-Girl
On News/Activism ^ 02/23/2006 11:20:32 AM CST · 1,008 replies · 8,832+ views
Jung Personality Test ^ | February 23, 2006 | Alamo-Girl
Would you like to learn a little more about yourself and your fellow posters on Free Republic? If so, you might enjoy this Freeper Research Project. It began on another thread where people were testing themselves for nerdiness. Great fun was had by all. Along the way, Freeper patton posted a link to the Jung personality test. What an adventure! I took the test for the first time and found out I am an INFJ (I=44, N=75, F=25, J=25). Because we were sharing the results of our tests on that thread, I was pleasantly surprised to discover three other...Thread #2:
Freeper Research Project - Freeper Personalities: Results!
Posted by Alamo-Girl
On News/Activism ^ 02/26/2006 11:34:23 AM CST · 587 replies · 5,724+ views
Freeper Research Project: Freeper personality tests ^ | February 26, 2006 | Alamo-Girl and Nita Nupress
Below are the first results of the research project! We would like to improve on the project by adding occupations to the chart below. The occupations listed in each type code will not be associated with Freeper handles. If you would care to share that information, please post your code and occupation, e.g. INTJ - physicist. If you don't want others to know your occupation, you could send either Nita Nupress or me a Freep mail with the information. Thank you all so very much for participating in this project! If you'd like to be listed in the next...Thread #3:
Freeper Investigation Project: Freeper Personality Types Update
Posted by Alamo-Girl
On News/Activism ^ 03/02/2006 12:19:16 AM CST · 176 replies · 3,148+ views
First Results ^ | March 2, 2006 | Alamo-Girl and Nita Nupress
Below are the expanded results of the research project! Occupations have been listed in each code without reference to Freeper handles. Thank you all so very much for participating in this project! If you'd like to be listed in the next update, please take the test and let us know your code and scores: Jung Personality Test Type Codes Also, please note your occupation (along with your code) - and if you don't want others to know your occupation, please send either Nita Nupress or me a Freep mail with the information.
I Missed It. What Is This Thread About?!
FReepers have been taking an online personality questionnaire to determine which one of 16 possible personality types we are. The Jung Typology Test has been around for years and is well-documented in the research literature. The general consensus among the FReepers seemed to be that, in most cases, it was eerily accurate. Like many of you, I took the MBTI instrument almost 20 years ago and got the same results then as I did now.
We've updated the tables to include everyone who responded. Hopefully no one was left out, but if you were, please accept my humble apologies in advance! As in the previous threads, occupations and career paths are listed under each personality type without reference to FReeper handles. Great care has been taken to preserve your anonymity in that regard. Also, I started grouping similar occupations into categories for easier reference (e.g., Military, Educator, Business owner, etc.) but quickly discovered how easily I could misinterpret what someone meant, so I backed off that ambitious endeavor rather quickly. For one thing, I feared offending someone if I moved you to the wrong category. (Example: Does "Software Engineer" belong under Engineer, or should it go under Computers?) Maybe sometime in the future we could do this as a collective effort. With my limited knowledge I'm just not comfortable doing it alone. Suggestions for future categories are welcomed!
Alamo-Girl and I (iNFj and iNTp, respectively) give our thanks to all of you who participated in this project. By my last count, there were 538 participants. It was thought-provoking, stimulating, and FUN, all at the same time. We hope you enjoyed it, too! (Go to TABLES.)
LINKS for more information on the Jung Typology Test / Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®
(Links are from external sources and should open in a new window):
Jung Personality Test - testing site where we took the Jung Typology Test. Go to their homepage for misc. information and other tests.
Type Codes - website. Lots of general information and goodies. Click on their "Links" button for articles and other resources. Percent of Population Information -- "Estimated frequencies of the Types in the United States population" by, the "Center for Application of Personality Types" (CAPT) website. This site also has an MBTI Overview and The Sixteen Types as a Glance.
PairsCompatibility Charts -- website. Go here for a "Complete relationship chart between psychological ("personality") types." See how you and your Significant Other pair up! Or maybe you shouldn't. My husband and I have "Conflicting Relations" -- "the worst compatibility between partners among all other relations." And just so I won't be all alone in my "conflictions," the Conflicting Pairs are in the column at left.
For the other side of the compatibility coin, go to the Socionics soulmates page to read about the pairs that are the Relations of Duality (listed at right). Oh, now this was interesting! Dual partners "are like two halves of a whole unit. They usually understand each others intentions without any need to say a word..." [Call me skeptical. Is this even possible?!] It goes on to say, "Conflicts between Duals are very rare and if there are any, they are normally short lived and solved without pain."
Finally, go to this page for an excellent, easy-to-read layout of Jung's theory of Psychological Types.Relations
of DualityeNTp - iSFj
iSFp - ENTj
eSFj - iNTp
iNTj - eSFp
eNFj - iSTp
iSTj - eNFp
eSTp - iNFj
iNFp - eSTjeNTp - iSFp
eSFj - iNTj
eNFj - iSTj
eSTp - iNFp
eSFp - iNTp
eNTj - iSFj
eSTj - iNFj
eNFp - iSTp
Again, thanks to all of you who participated!
Skip the "Rationals" (NT) and go straight to:
TABLE #2: Guardians (SJ)
TABLE #3: Idealists (NF)
TABLE #4: Artisians (SP)
"The Inspectors" ISTJ |
"The Supervisors" ESTJ |
"The Protectors" ISFJ |
"The Poviders" ESFJ |
"The Healers" iNFp |
"The Champions" eNFp |
"The Counselors" iNFj |
"The Teachers" eNFj |
(Go back up)TABLE 4
NOTE: All 16 personality types below have internal hyperlinks in the headings. Click on the heading to go back up to the tables. (To get back here again, click on the "Back" button of your browser.) All other hyperlinks in this section will take you to external web sites.
iNTp - Rationalists - Engineers - "The Architects"
Type Logic INTP
Personality Type INTP
BossLady; Nita Nupress; Randy Larsen; RightWingAtheist; marron; Cap Huff; linear; LIConFem; nk_47; Dog Gone; Joe 6-pack; Glenn; Dark Knight; Sloth; colorado tanker; slowhandluke; parsifal; DeweyCA; GOPJ; krb; birbear; AFreeBird; confederate_infidel; Mygirlsmom; Spruce; i_dont_chat; subterfuge;George Smiley; Tench_Coxe; Fred Nerks; betty boop; colorado tanker; GopherIt; kentheNTp - Rationalists - Engineers - "The Inventors"
Type Logic ENTP
Personality Type ENTP
Kaylee Frye; Redcloak; Eagle Eye; Bohemund; dmz; eyespysomething; thebaron512; doberville; GraceyiNTj - Rationalists - Coordinators - "The Masterminds"
Type Logic INTJ
Personality Type INTJ
John O; hosepipe; Cyclopean Squid; Michael Goldsberry; hoppity; twigs; TypeZoNegative; Dead Corpse; Hemingway's Ghost; Carolina; YOUGOTIT; r9etb; EBH; BubbaTheRocketScientist; Buggman; SouthernBoyupNorth; joe fonebone; mewzilla; RedWhiteBlue; cibco; Dr.Zoidberg; Cold Heat; Doohickey; Marine Inspector; Tijeras_Slim; AuH2ORepublican; Durus; rootntootn; Semi Civil Servant; kalee; Small-L; HitmanLV; Tennessee_Bob; TN4Bush; Nam Vet; SuzyQue; wagglebee; Billthedrill; vipervomit; RockinRight; null and void; Physicist; jonascord; Hoodlum91; Can i say that here?; blue-duncan; Rodney King; LandoLincoln; TASMANIANRED; Eastbound; Antoninus; SittinYonder; Dysart; WildHorseCrash; SittinYonder; annalex; norton; toomanygrasshoppers; Grammy; jer33 3; MontanaBeth; ParadigmLost; P.O.E.; tet68; muir_redwoods; feefee; Professional Engineer; LibertarianInExile; Conservative4Ever; RightField; TADSLOS; King Prout; Harmless Teddy Bear; NicknamedBob; RadioAstronomer; Domestic Church; SuzyQue; jmcenanly; nuclady; Dr._Joseph_Warren; Greenpees; radiohead; McGavin999; dajeeps; PA Engineer; Southbound; XEHRpa; B.O.Plenty; fnord; MitchellC; gitmo; John Lenin; sawoody; uglybiker; freedumb2003; Tired of Taxes; SunTzuWu; Ryan Spock;kiki04; dougd; BIGLOOK; Segovia; ClearBlueSky; Washi; NewLand; georgiagirl3814; judicial meanz; Thermopylae; Senorita; Lil'freeper; muir_redwoods; GrandEagle; texas booster; MizSterious; Palmer; Andrewksu; Sally'sConcerns; GrandmaPatriot; lesser_satan; Uglybiker; Solamente; DTogo; Geezerwheezer; ThePythonicCow; rusty millet; Pukin Dog; Gandalf_The_Gray; Donald Rumsfeld; Socratic; MrBlueSky2005; Tarheel; Dementon; Lorianne; TaxRelief; PresbyRev; Wolfpat; Sit-rep; JasonC; Lando Lincoln; Grimalkin; Redheadtoo; AirForce-TechSgt; GodBlessRonaldReagan; Kieri; Shadow Deamon; Goodnesswins; Sundog; 4woodenboats; Rightwing Conspiratr1; Steve Van Doorn; Truemiester; ko_kyi; TheForceOfOne; Designer; Optimill; Iceskater; Sionnsar; Squantos; NickFlooding; Chode; crescentbeach; Axhandle; LadyPilgrim; Grand Eagle; Dog Gone; Debg; M203M4; SWAMPSNIPER; afnamvet; Think free or die; Chickensoup; razorback-bert; Kitten1; AzSteven; smug; sageb1; papertyger; momincombatboots; ahayes; redgolum; FairWitness; BlueLancer; Centurion2000; ndt; plain talkeNTj - Rationalists - Coordinators - "The FieldMarshalls"
Type Logic ENTJ
Personality Type ENTJ
T Minus Four; R. Scott; Jaded; A Texan; Texas Federalist; Beagle8U; Old Professer; sean327; AirForce-TechSgt; rockthecasbah; Horatio Gates; RonF; colorcountry; conservativeharleyguy; Laz711; XeniaSt; linda_22003; Calpernia; livius; andyandval; Sensei Ern; mpackard; Paulus; AZ_Cowboy; Julliardsux; Rokke; Just another Joe; Bigun; bboop; MichiganCheese; TitansAFC; Donald Rumsfeld Fan; buccaneer81; DurtySanches; WKUHilltopper; Smokin' Joe; Cliff Dweller; stephenjohnbanker; Congressman Billybob; Modok; Rapscallion; GOP_1900AD
iStJ - Guardians - Administrators - "The Inspectors"
Type Logic ISTJ
Personality Type ISTJ
chile; sonsofliberty2000; Toby06; Americanwolfsbrother; Trillian; Doomonyou; SpeakLittle_ThinkMuch; humblegunner; used2BDem; nina0113; kellynch; RedRightReturn; Always Right; Jack Deth; Conservababe; jsh3180; Always Learning; P-Marlowe; 7thson; William Tell; #1CTYankee; Psycho_Bunny; GRRRRR; Darksheare; TheBrotherhood; auboy; Kaylee Frye; Proud_texan; #1CTYankee; SandyInSeattle; abigailsmybaby; Maigrey; Stegall Tx; Spunky; mdittmar; maxwell; carlr; jrcats; Upcrawfish; Feinswinesuksass; Gamecock; ChalkFarmer; Lady Heron; Sissyjane; SamAdams76; Digger48; Mathluv; Fresh Wind; Jellybean; FortWorthPatriot; StayAt HomeMother; LonePalm; Fast Moving Angel; antisocial; RedQuill; WestVirginiaRebel; PeoplesRepublicOfWashington; Tamar1973eStJ - Guardians - Administrators - "The Supervisors"
Type Logic ESTJ
Personality Type ESTJ
Xenalyte; Slicksadick; Wuli; YankeeGirl; cmsgop; jmpmstr4u2; feinswinesuksass; Veronica; Buckeyenation; Dashing Dasher; William Creel; FourtySeven; antisocial; thoughtomator; TFFKAMMiSfJ - Guardians - Conservators - "The Protectors"
Type Logic ISFJ
Personality Type ISFJ
imskylark; cgk; happymom; duckman; Auntbee; Recovering_Democrat; tgslTakoma; Corin Stormhands; muggs; hummingbird; Madame Dufarge; Supernatural; Politicalmom; trussell; IrishRainy; scott says; epow; hoosier_RW_conspirator; Angelwood; luv2lurkhere; GodBlessPeggyNoonan; Mschalock; StarFan; Ferri; Tax-chick; LadyJMayo; Molly Pitcher; GretchenM
eSfJ - Guardians - Conservators - "The Providers"
Type Logic ESFJ
Personality Type ESFJ
gakrak; Froufrou; Mrs.Nooseman; demkicker; peacebaby; Lindsay; RMDupree; Demkicker
iNFp - Idealists - Advocates - "The Healers"
Type Logic INFP
Personality Type INFP
Tokra; Lancey Howard; Yeti; Americanwolf; RedRightReturn; Paradox; KYGrandma; billbears; BallandPowder; NRA2Bfree; freepatriot32; najida; HKMk23; Emmalein; Recovering Hermit; Bannie; Js1138; FOXFANVOX; Jessica24; Corbie; proud American in Canada; DameAutour; Tony in Hawaii; EveningStar; AllaneNFp - Idealists - Advocates - "The Champions"
Type Logic ENFP
Personality Type ENFP
pollyannaish; SlowBoat407; phantomworker; girlangler; Bella_Bru; FOG724; FarmerW; Fanfan; Houeto; PureSolace; SoldiersPrayingMom; Alisasny; Indcons; Propertius; 8mmMauser; munchtipqiNFj - Idealists - Mentors - "The Counselors"
Type Logic INFJ
Personality Type INFJ
Indy Pendance; Knitting a Conundrum; Alamo-Girl; blinachka; Dunstan McShane; retrokitten; meanie monster; Andy'smom; MarxSux; trisham; Evie Munchkin; ClancyJ; Ohioan from Florida; WashingtonStateRepublican; Desert_Girl; viaveritasvita; Countyline; TChris; theophilusscribe; Let's Roll; Paperdoll; grey_whiskers; A message; Dinah Lord; Samwise; satire; GoodWithBarbarians JustForKaos; MarMema; grannie9; TigersEye; Mugwump; kosta50; ShadowStrike; TEXOKIE; Hope; ShutUpandSing; Usmcobra; Freema; Brazzaville; rampage8; Libertina; M. Thatcher; JrandomFreeper; Carlo3b; Elyse; Sisku Hanne; HKMk23; Vicki; Albion Wilde; Captainpaintball; annie laurie; Waverunner; The Westerner; little jeremiah; Quix; Jhohanna; WVNaneNFj - Idealists - Mentors - "The Teachers"
Type Logic ENFJ
Personality Type ENFJ
abner; jmc813; Griff55; .30Carbine; phantomworker; Diva Betsy Ross; RightWhale; Anitius Severinus Boethius; Paved Paradise; I'm ALL Right!; connectthedots; 3D-JOY; arasina; Cool Guy; Kolokotronis; fatima; pinz-n-needlez; bvw; PistolPaknMama; Deadhead; Dlfromthedesert; Woodstock; Maggief; Allegra; Gobucks; xone; Will_Zurmacht; Warren_Piece; ovrtaxt; AmericanArchConservative; timsbella; wildancrazyrussian
iSfP - Artisans - Entertainers - "The Composers"
Type Logic ISFP
Personality Type ISFPfanfan; mollynme; KylaStarr; Moshikashitara; Goodgirlinred
eSfP - Artisans - Entertainers - "The Performers"
Type Logic ESFP
Personality Type ESFP
Romish_Papist; Melas; DollyCali
iStP - Artisans - Operators - "The Crafters"
Type Logic ISTP
Personality Type ISTP
Publius6961; Jersey Republican Biker Chick; skr; danmar; Stentor; Skylus; FeliciaCat; kAcknor; FlyCaster; Salo; Database
eStP- Artisans - Operators - "The Promoters"
Type Logic ESTP
Personality Type ESTP
A very special thanks to all of you. Honestly, I couldn't have fixed the table without you!
add me to the ENFP--career I am a physician tks
Thank you for all your wonderful advice on the messed up thread!
Pinging myself to take it.
Well, I got you in the tables but I think I forgot to add your names to the lists at the bottom. Sorry about that.
If anyone takes it upon themselves to alphabetize the ping list names, please include these people in the mix. (getmeouttapalmbeachcounty_FL;Proud Conservative2;Hound of the Baskervilles;DrewsDad;timsbella)
It just won't be the same unless you contribute more witty, smart-alek comments like last time. :-)
You two are awesome! Thanks for doing this!
There doesn't appear to be many of us (iNFps, that is).
My paying job is being a medical transcriber. I'm working on being a novelist and poet.
Interesting... When I've taken this before, I've usually been more introverted, but closer to the center on the other three.
Sorry, I missed this one the first time around.
Color me:
56, 12, 50, 78
Fixed thread. Final results.
Final results here. (Repaired from yesterday.)
Ping 2 self.
Can't remember what I got. LOL.
Final (and fixed) table of results. All 538+ of you.
That just means that you were near the border line of the types. I am and ENTJ, just barely, if I change one answer, I become and INTJ.
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