It's the prescription-drugs-for-seniors law... sold to the public as a $400 billion program in 2000 (which was already outrageous), currently $1.2 trillion (and counting) and we've yet to get an honest accounting of what it will really cost. That's what these studies are about, justifying yet more outlays from the taxpayer's wallet.
I've reached my limit in tolerating the never-ending march of specious reasons for the government to take the money I work hard to earn. I pay $35000/year in taxes alone - and I know from first-hand experience working with the government that a huge percentage of this money - perhaps 90% - is pure waste and corruption.
So I say, forget it. I've had it with paying for other peoples' problems. The only things which I will consent to pay for are those things necessary for the national defense. Everything else the government does with my dollar, it does under protest from me.