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To: Tulsa Ramjet
"No so fast. While I may not agree with McCain on many issues, trying to equate 9/11 terrorists with the cheap labor coming into america are two different "
after all the crimes, murders, robbery, rapes, auto accidents committed by these illegals and documented ad nauseum here on are either uninformed or very callus to the citizens of this country.
20 posted on 03/15/2006 5:32:32 PM PST by ConsentofGoverned (if a sucker is born every minute, what are the voters?)
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To: ConsentofGoverned

"after all the crimes, murders, robbery, rapes, auto accidents committed by these illegals and documented ad nauseum"

"Looks like we got a live one here, Lewis"--Ned Beatty's character to Burt Reynolds in Deliverance.

You are right. I forgot. Only illegals commit crimes. But I didn't know they did it in an ad museum.

Seriously, I have one rather simple question. And please think about it closely. If we shipped all the illegals out of the country tomorrow, what would happen to american manufacturing and the agriculture sector? Okay, now if that can't work, what do you propose to suggest? Remember, this is an arena for exchanging ideas. Would it bother you to have associated domestic products increase 40-60%? Do you integrate them into a worker program? Do you line them all up in Tijuana on the mexican side and say take a number?

Lets be clear where I stand. I don't have a problem with a southern wall. I don't have a problem with working with existing industry to come up with a solution. And I do realize that something is better than what we have. However, I do think the there is a difference in the illegals that come in. And frankly, the terrorists gamed the system. They didn't swim a river.

38 posted on 03/15/2006 5:42:29 PM PST by Tulsa Ramjet ("If not now, when?")
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To: ConsentofGoverned; Travis McGee; HiJinx; Spiff; Czar; Grampa Dave; DoughtyOne; PhilDragoo; Liz; ...

Illegal aliens are 30%+ in federal prisons.

What a great resume.

Want a comparison?

White male perpetrators of murder in the USA are under 1/100,000 population - less then Japan, England, France, Germany, Italy, etc

DC: Black teenagers murder rate: 225/100,000 population (same as in Rowanda & El Salvador during the worst slaughters!) - many in DC are illegal aliens......

The USA murder rate is about 5/100,000 population

Now if you check the FBI-DOJ Uniform Crime Report you will find:


No hispanics
No illegal aliens

(It would not be "PC"!)

But over 30% in US federal prisons are illegal aliens that are not even supposed to be in the USA - and most crimes they commit are never solved so the % of violent crimes - murder, rape, kidnapping, assault, robbery - is much higher

For instance: 95% of all warrants for violent crimes in LA are for illegal aliens - Sources: Heather McDonald - Manhattan Institute, FBI, LAPD, USDOJ

That means that what you are told by the MSM (actually not told!) is that illegal aliens are pumping up the numbers of legal resident American blacks and of spanish blood

US minorities do indeed commit more violent crimes - but not nearly as many as the liberals would have you believe

Deduct the illegal aliens and their %s will drop dramtically

81 posted on 03/15/2006 6:28:25 PM PST by devolve (<center> <img src="" border="20"> </center>)
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To: ConsentofGoverned

My friend was killed by an illegal during a dwi incident. So there is one death we know of. Does anyone know of any others that have been the direct result of illegal aliens? I bet we could come up with more than were killed on 9/11 if we tried.

118 posted on 03/15/2006 7:26:46 PM PST by willyd
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To: ConsentofGoverned
after all the crimes, murders, robbery, rapes, auto accidents committed by these illegals and documented ad nauseum here on are either uninformed or very callus to the citizens of this country.

In fifteen minutes, every crime will be terrorism.

190 posted on 03/16/2006 4:18:57 PM PST by dead (I've got my eye out for Mullah Omar.)
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