You know this is exactly what it's going to take, us overthrowing precisely as a third world country!
Do you remember this old friend....near the bottom of my home page here:
No Person can be considered a "Contributor" to America un-less they are Identified,fingerprinted, placed on the Tax rolls and Social Security with a permanent Address making them a legal Tax paying Citizen; subject to all the rights and provisions this Country provides to its citizens. Otherwise they continue to be a scab and a botch "WE THE PEOPLE"are obligated to support.
This is a pay as you go society and not a free lunch. If you live here you work here speak the FIRST Language and swear allegiance to the Constitution then you get to share equally in a system "EVERBODY" Supports and pays into! Time to come out of the woodworks and live in the open or follow your noses back across the Borders!
Blessings on you my friend; I am humbled by your kindness and the Truth will set you free! America for Americans, get legal or get out. My Birthright is not for sale or barter by any do nothing politician... Tancredo 08!