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To: tmp02; Oorang; drymans wife; MamaDearest; nwctwx; Domestic Church; Rushmore Rocks; Labyrinthos; ...
Terrorism Summary 03/24/06

This summary is a little on the lame side. Unfortunately some of my web searching was partially OBE at both home and work, so I may have missed a few events. Key items to continue to watch. First, more and more background regarding Iraq’s cooperation and support of terrorism is coming out via released documents (no suprise here). Lots of terrorist trials throughout the world. However, outside of Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan, things are relatively quiet. Hopefully this isn’t the calm before the storm.

One of the most remarkable depictions of the distribution of global terror attacks is found at the following:

I would encourage all to go there and watch the time-lapse presentation

Let me know if you want on or off the Ping list.

03/24/06  Current National Homeland Defense threat level is YELLOW

1. Attack threat windows - America
03/24/06  Primary Window:  Potentially through 04/04/06. No significant primary attack windows are apparent. However, 03/04/06 al-Zawahri video leave open a 30 day window. Other rumors reported talk about a big operation. However, this talk currently seems to be focused upon Iraq and further efforts by AQ to create a Iraqi civil war. NCAA basketball finals will be coming to a head this weekend (see attack methods).

03/24/06 Secondary windows:  None currently identified.

2. Attack Indicators - America
03/24/06 Godzilla note: The have been rumors of an increase in jihadi related web traffic. However, past increases have not yielded any attacks. However, the increase generally reflects increased web-based propaganda stoking the speculation of an impending attack on the mainland US.

3. Current Terrorist Operations

03/20/06  The War on Terror suffered a major blow three years before it was ever announced. It happened when the people of this democracy were misled into attacking the sovereign, emerging post-Communist democracy of Yugoslavia--over rumors of genocide and ethnic cleansing that proved false. In so doing, we put the final touch on delivering the Balkans to al Qaeda.

Cartoon Intifada
The Cartoon Jihad links have been updated here:
The scholars, preachers, heads of Islamic associations as well as Arab and Muslim community leaders from Europe will explore a strategy aimed at preventing a repeat of the crisis sparked by the publication of the cartoons.   Some 300 Muslim religious figures opened a two-day conference in Bahrain in support of the Prophet Mohammed following the row over his depiction in cartoons in European papers.
Sweden's security police, Säpo, has revealed that serious threats were directed at Swedish embassies abroad after the far right group Sweden Democrats published one of the pictures of the prophet Muhammad on its web site.
Swedish Foreign Minister Laila Freivalds resigned Tuesday after she was accused of lying about her role in the closing of a far-right Web site that solicited cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.
Prince Charles on Tuesday criticized the Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as the "ghastly" violence that followed them, calling on all "responsible men and women" to respect the religion of others.
The Danish imams who incited the Islamic world into a frenzy by touring the Middle East with the Mohammed cartoons (and a few fakes to make them seem worse) are going to the Middle East again , after the Danish government refused to charge the cartoonists with blasphemy.

              Southern  ASIA Region

Australia - Commonwealth games alert
03/24/06 No related incidents to report

              East  ASIA Region


       Middle East / SW Asia

03/21/06  A powerful new militia dubbed "the Pakistani Taliban" has effectively seized control of swaths of the country's northern tribal areas in recent months, triggering alarm in Islamabad and marking a big setback in America's "war on terror".   The militants are strongest in North and South Waziristan, two of seven tribal agencies on the border with Afghanistan. -snip-
Analysts say the Pakistani Taliban is a loose alliance of tribal militia operating under radical clerics such as Sadiq Noor and Abdul Khaliq. Many are angered by heavy-handed Pakistani military attacks against suspected al-Qaida hideouts, which are thought to have killed hundreds of civilians over the last two years.    The tribesmen are allied with al-Qaida fugitives, mostly from Uzbekistan and Chechnya.,,1735772,00.html
Godzilla note: Things are deteriorating in the Waristan region along the border with Afghanistan. Pakistani military is loosing control of the region. It appears that the spring offensive was not targeting Afghanistan, but Pakistan. If the Talaban is able to consolidate control here, they will pose a significant threat to not only Afghanistan but Pakistan as well.

03/20/06  Suspected Islamic militants blew up a radio station’s transmission tower in Pakistan’s rugged tribal region bordering Afghanistan early Monday but there were no casualties, local officials said.§ion=subcontinent&col

Godzilla overall note: Iran continues to progress along its path towards the development of a nuclear weapon. So far the EU, IAEA and UN have been impotent to sway Iran from its stated goal to enter the nuclear club. There are still reports of internal unrest, and with any luck a popular uprising may bring calmer heads into leadership positions. However, the President made it very clear - an attack upon Israel is an attack against the US. This brings to mind things of apocalyptic proportions.

03/22/06  The British government has shown American intelligence officials information indicating that Iran is operating "training camps" for bombers who carry out terrorist attacks on coalition forces, Iraqi security forces and civilians. It appears that the training is accelerating in order to create havoc and destabilize the fledgling Iraqi government.

03/21/06  AMERICAN intelligence officials, already focused on Iran's potential for building nuclear weapons, are struggling to solve a more immediate mystery: the relationship between the Tehran leadership and a contingent of al-Qaeda leaders living in the country.   Some officials, citing highly classified electronic eavesdropping, believe Iran is hosting much of al-Qaeda's remaining brains trust and allowing the senior operatives freedom to communicate and help plan the terrorist network's operations.
They suggest the President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, may be forging an alliance with al-Qaeda operatives as a way to expand Iran's influence or, at least, that he is looking the other way as al-Qaeda leaders in Iran collaborate with their counterparts elsewhere.   "Iran is becoming more and more radicalised and more willing to turn a blind eye to the al-Qaeda presence there," one US counterterrorism official said.^

03/21/06  US President George W. Bush said he hoped to resolve the nuclear dispute with Iran with diplomacy, but warned Tehran he would "use military might" if necessary to defend Israel.

03/20/06  Iran has assembled intermediate-range ballistic missiles composed of indigenous and North Korean platforms that could strike almost anywhere in Western Europe.   Western intelligence sources said Iran has succeeded in coupling two IRBMs to reach a range of up to 4,500 kilometers. They said the platform, which could be fitted with a nuclear warhead, was comprised of the Iranian-origin Shihab-3 and the North Korean BM-25 missiles.

03/24/06 Much of Afghanistan’s news is linked directly to the Taliban gaining contol of the Waristan region along the southeastern and eastern border with Pakistan.

Godzilla note: Contrary to what the MSM is reporting (or wishing), Iraq is not in the midst of a true civil war. Tens of thousands of shia conducted their pilgrimages to sacred locations safely. The shia, sunni and kurd leadership all recognize the foolishness of a civil war and have been successful in keeping things from unraveling. Is the potential there? Most certainly. However, with the Iraqi army and police successfully controlling larger areas of the country on their own, this frees up US and allied forces to focus on the most challenging areas. More and more tips and reports are being made to authorities regarding terrorist cells, caches, IEDs and leaders - a sign that the public opinion are clearly against the foreign jihadists.

03/21/06  Iraqi police said on Tuesday it has arrested the leader of the Jamat Al-Tawhid Wal Jihad west of the the northern city of Kirkuk.   Police director of Kirkuk Brigadier Sarhid Qader said his forces carried out the arrest west of Kirkuk adding that questioning is underway.

Israel - INCREASED ALERT STATUS - Impending National Elections
03/23/06  Iran has ordered Palestinian terror groups to carry out a large-scale bombing inside Israel before elections here next week, security officials told WorldNetDaily.
Godzilla note: Although the is from WND, Israel has been on increasing alert due to muliple other actions.

03/22/06  For the first time, two West Bank Palestinians have been charged in an Israeli military court with belonging to al Qaeda and planning a major terror attack inside Israel.  Israeli experts have been warning for some time that al Qaeda has set its sights on carrying out a major terror attack in Israel, possibly as soon as this year.\ForeignBureaus\archive\200603\FOR20060322a.html

03/21/06  Following a dramatic high-speed chase, Jerusalem police on Tuesday intercepted a van on the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway transporting a group of Palestinians who were carrying explosives meant for a bombing in the center of the country, police said.   The van was stopped midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv near Kibbutz Sha'alabim with ten Palestinians inside and a bag containing five kilograms of explosives.

03/20/06  Worrying signs emerging from Lebanon about the growth of al Qaeda, have triggered a general unease and anxiety in security and diplomatic circles.   The wave of bombings that targeted Beirut and the South and the arrest for several cells whose members have confessed to belonging to al Qaeda, in addition to Abu Musab al Zarqawi claiming responsibility for an attack on Israeli settlements using Katyusha rockets, have all heightened the fear that al Qaeda is seeking a permanent base in Lebanon.
Godzilla note: There have been some behind the scene power struggles between Hamas and AQ elements as to who will be the alpha dog in the region.

Saudi Arabia
03/21/06  Several terror suspects were arrested in security raids here Saturday.   Major General Mansoor Al-Turki, the official spokesperson for the Ministry of Interior, told Okaz Arabic daily that those arrested in the raids were not on the wanted list.


03/24/06 Warlords are fighting Islamic militias. Pirates are going further from land to conduct their attacks. Stupid pirates in little fishing boat try to take on two US warships.


Great Britain
03/24/06 Godzilla observation: Currently a high profile trial of accused terrorists who planned to bomb numerous sites. One individual also had nuclear connections in attempting to acquire a nuke or at least radiological materials for a dirty bomb>

03/22/06  The trial of 27 people suspected of planning terrorist attacks in France opened Monday in a Paris court, following one of the country's biggest anti-terrorism investigations in recent years. -snip -  Some of the suspects have given statements claiming that attacks were planned against French targets including the Eiffel Tower, police stations and a central Paris shopping centre.

Italy - High Threat Window due to April National Elections
03/24/06 No related incidents.

03/22/06  The Basque separatist group ETA announced a permanent cease-fire Wednesday, ending a decades-long campaign of violence and closing the door on one of Western Europe's last active armed separatist movements.  In a video statement, ETA said it "has decided to declare a permanent cease fire as of March 24, 2006."
Godzilla note: Most unusual, although the ETA has not been too effective in their bombing campaigns. Time will tell.

03/21/06  A Spanish judge has indicted 32 people over an alleged attempt to blow up the National Court, the center of anti-terror investigations, authorities said Tuesday.   The 32 men, mostly Algerians, were charged with membership of a terrorist organization, conspiracy to commit a terrorist act and forgery of public documents, Judge Fernando Grande-Marlaska said in an indictment dated March 13 and made public on Tuesday.

         Western Hemisphere

United States
03/24/06 Godzilla comment: Prosecutors for both the Moussaui and Lodi trials are close to snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!

03/24/06 U.S. designates Al Manar TV as terrorist Bush issues executive order on station controlled by Hezbollah

03/20/06  Three young people who pleaded guilty to firebomb attacks in the foothills in December 2004 faced a federal judge for sentencing Friday.   Ryan Lewis, Eva Holland and Lili Holland -- all Newcastle residents and all alleged members of the environmental terrorist group Earth Liberation Front -- pleaded guilty last year to either arson or attempted arson charges.
Judge Edward Garcia -snip- sentenced Lewis to six years in prison -- 12 months longer than prosecutors were asking for.  Eva and Lili Holland -snip-  The judge could have put the sisters away for five years, but instead dropped their sentence to just two years.

4. Attack method.
03/24/06 Between "iconic" targets (9/11) and "people" targets (subways, trains, ferries, nightclubs), expect Al Qaeda to focus on the latter. Some disagreement as to whether the next attack in the U.S., specifically, will also be against a "people" target or whether they will try to hit another "iconic" target here. Some rumors indicate that in the United States, synagogues and other Jewish institutions are said to be high on the list of targets for the next Al Qaeda attack, possibly involving chemical or other nonconventional weapons.

03/24/06 With college basketball championships underway around the country, the FBI has warned stadium operators of a possible suicide bomb attack at sporting events. In a directive issued today, obtained by ABC News, the FBI says a posting on an extremist message board "advocated suicide attacks against sporting events as a cost-effective means of killing thousands of Americans."
The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security say they cannot confirm the credibility of the threat or whether the message is affiliated with al Qaeda. -snip-
According to the FBI bulletin, the author of the posting recommended using "three to five blond or black American Muslim suicide bombers." The FBI says the author suggested homemade explosives be hidden under their winter clothing. The posting recommended, according to the FBI, that one suicide bomber detonate inside the stadium and the others detonate at exit gates as spectators were fleeing. -snip-

Godzilla note: Valid threat or not, the tactics would be very effective. Think again about the ‘suicide’ death of the football bomber.

5. Significant meetings canceled:
03/24/06 No new cancellations.

6. Security has been heightened in specific cities

7. Military operations. 

8. Dept of Homeland Security. / State Department
Office of the Spokesman
This information is current as of today, Tue Mar 21 2006 17:25:55 GMT-0800.
March 21, 2006

This Public Announcement is being issued to alert U.S. citizens to recent events related to the security situation in Bangladesh. Those residing in or traveling to Bangladesh are urged to use extra care and precaution while in the country. This Public Announcement supersedes the Public Announcement dated September 21, 2005 and expires on September 21, 2006.

An outlawed Islamist terrorist organization, Jamaatul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB), took responsibility for a series of bombings and suicide attacks in Bangladesh between August and December 2005 that killed approximately 30 Bangladeshis and wounded nearly 200. JMB leaflets call for the implementation of strict Islamic law in Bangladesh, justify the use of indiscriminate suicide attacks, and condemn Western social and political concepts as un-Islamic. They also identify the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom as enemies of Islam. Newspapers and Bangladeshi non-governmental organizations, including several which receive funding from the United States Government, have received threats purportedly from JMB. No Americans were killed or wounded in any of the attacks.

Since December 9, 2005, the Bangladesh government has captured many JMB activists, and five of JMB’s top seven leaders are now in custody. The judicial process has already begun for some JMB detainees, with 22 JMB activists having been convicted and sentenced. The Government has also recovered large amounts of bomb-making materials.

On March 12, the Peace Corps decided to suspend indefinitely its program in Bangladesh due to concern that JMB elements still at large might attempt to attack Peace Corps Volunteers in Bangladesh, perhaps in retaliation for the capture of JMB leaders. Consequently, all Peace Corps volunteers have departed Bangladesh. The Embassy received several plausible but unsubstantiated threat reports involving the Peace Corps in Bangladesh. However, the decision to suspend the program followed a careful assessment of Bangladesh’s broader security environment, and was not based on any single threat or incident.

It remains unclear whether JMB, despite its recent setbacks, retains the ability to launch new attacks. The target of new JMB attacks could be Americans, other Westerners, or Bangladeshis.

The Embassy advises all Americans in or traveling to Bangladesh to take extra care and precaution while going out in public and to be cognizant of the current situation. American citizens in Bangladesh should remain vigilant, especially if visiting courts or municipal government offices.

9. Suspicious Domestic Incidents Not Currently Linked to Specific Terrorism Attempts
03/25/06 "Five homemade bombs found, two explode" GRAND JUNCTION "One neighbor reported seeing a "big, bright flame." Police spokeswoman Linda Bowman says all of the bombs were made of black trash cans covered with duct tape."____
Godzilla note: Most likely teens with too much time on their hands. Bombs are not efficient or potent, but could cause substantial injury or fire damage.

1,698 posted on 03/24/2006 8:24:19 PM PST by Godzilla (Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.)
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To: Godzilla

MEGA THANKS Godzilla for the summary.

1,699 posted on 03/24/2006 9:04:04 PM PST by Cindy
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To: Godzilla
Superb summary! Thank you for your hard work compiling this excellent list.

Quite the contrast reading about Prince Charles proselytizing for the Muslims and further down reading about the British trial involving bombs, Islamic nuclear connections and the threat of a dirty bomb. Perhaps he needs to attend the trial so he can get a handle on what's going on within his realm.

1,705 posted on 03/24/2006 9:38:52 PM PST by MamaDearest
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To: Godzilla

Thank you for the summary.

1,733 posted on 03/25/2006 11:13:37 AM PST by Velveeta
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To: Godzilla


1,773 posted on 03/25/2006 3:30:19 PM PST by Deetes (God Bless the Troops)
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