LOL! Glad to see I'm not the only one.
Upon hearing about the conversion of the British .303 SMLE rifle to the 7.62x54R Chicom/Russian cartridge, most people have two basic reactions:
(1) Hey, that sounds interesting. Followed by,
(2) Why do you want to do that?
As stated ......setting the barrel back a few thousandths is the best thing to do but not required if ya don't roll your own. Bulk surplus 7.62x54R is pretty much same price as good .22 rimfire ammo these days when ya find a good source.
ATS makes a great drop in stock, easily glass bedded with accraglass from brownells and here is a link to build a better / best scope mount. I honeycombed / drilled my angle iron to reduce weight & mass but you'll get the idea at the site link below.......
It won't be the NRA gun of the year unless they start a ugly division but it hits, it's cheap and it's a proven light recoiling rig that really can be assembled in a few days of garage work with common handtools.
Mines a black stock with rustolium gun metal grey finish on the metal and the old scope.....
Hope that helps ya a bit...I really enjoy mine and have taken a mulie and some whitetails with it over the years.
Stay Safe !