As in Mr Mcgee's book a good TC Contender w/ a 2-12X Burris LER scope, a harris br-s bipod attached to a second swivel stud on a 14 inch bull barrel with pachmeyer furniture and a neoprene web sling makes a really nice surgical 400 or greater yards tool to remove a boil off yer butt.
My TC is in 223 but if I was to build one today for the same purpose I'd do it in 7.62x39 (AK/SKS caliber) and roll my own with a very very heavy 220gr or heavier bullet to emulate the 300 Whispers almost sub sonic report and ballistics. Add a legal class III NFA supressor from Ops Inc. I have seen those employed out to 300 Meters on beer cans with reliable accuracy.
Lots of truck gun possibilities , KISS principal is key.... one little tack drive is a converted from old 303 caliber to 7.62x54R enfield with a angle iron scope mount, ATS stock, bedded with a harris bipod. 150$ rig inlcuding the optics (old tasco 6-18X) that was 30$ on sale. It has bounced around in the back of the old 4x4 for a year between it's range time , uncased w/ just a muzzle cap made of electrical tape to keep the dust bunnies out..... The finish is rustolium's finest BTW.....:o)
Minute of Torso out to 800 Yards easily maintained......
Just some of my ideas....ya'll Stay safe !
Hmmmm. Why the conversion?
I like the Enfield idea.