- BossLady
- Nita Nupress
- Randy Larsen (67,25,56,44)
- RightWingAtheist (67,25,38,11)
- marron
- Cap Huff
- linear
- LIConFem
- nk_47
- Dog Gone
- Joe 6-pack
- Glenn
- Dark Knight (67,38,25,22)
- Sloth (89,62,88,11)
- colorado tanker
- slowhandluke
- parsifal
- DeweyCA
- krb
- birbear (100,50,1,22)
- AFreeBird
- confederate_infidel Pigsmith (89,75,100,44)
- Mygirlsmom
- Spruce (33,12,1,44)
- George Smiley (33,50,25,6)
- Tench_Coxe (78,88,75,11)
- i_dont_chat
- subterfuge
- Kaylee Frye
- Redcloak
- Eagle Eye (11,62,38,11)
- Bohemund
- dmz
- eyespysomething (11,38,12,44)
- IrishRainy's husband
- MichiganCheese
- TitansAFC
- Donald Rumsfeld Fan
- buccaneer81
- DurtySanches
- WKUHilltopper
- Smokin' Joe (1,12,25,89)
- Cliff Dweller (44,25,38,56)
- stephenjohnbanker (33,38,12,56)
- Congressman Billybob
- Modok
John O O (67,25,62,67) -
hosepipe (11,50,19,56) -
Cyclopean Squid (44,100,62,56) -
Michael Goldsberry -
SWAMPSNIPER (56,12,25,56) -
hoppity (44,38,1,11) -
twigs (100,25,38,78) -
TypeZoNegative -
Dead Corpse (56,62,88,78) -
Hemingway's Ghost (44,12,62,33) -
Carolina -
Hoodlum91 -
r9etb (44,12,25,22) -
BubbaTheRocketScientist (44,50,1,56) -
Buggman -
SouthernBoyupNorth (44,62,75,56) -
joe fonebone -
mewzilla -
RedWhiteBlue -
cibco (67,12,38,56) -
Dr.Zoidberg (78,50,62,11) -
old Heat (44,75,38,89) -
Doohickey (33, 12, 25, 56) -
Marine Inspector (22,25,25,44) -
Tijeras_Slim -
AuH2ORepublican (67,50,25,33) -
Durus -
rootntootn (56,12,12,56) -
Semi Civil Servant -
kalee (100,25,38,100) -
Small-L (22, 62, 75, 22) -
HitmanLV (11,25,62,22) -
Tennessee_Bob (78,12,12,44) -
TN4Bush (78,6,1,89) -
Nam Vet -
SuzyQue -
wagglebee (67,38,88,67) -
Billthedrill -
vipervomit -
RockinRight (56,12,1,56) - (22,75,25,56) -
null and void (44,62,25,33) -
Physicist (67,75,38,56) -
jonascord (100,38,88,56) -
Can i say that here? (44,62,25,33) -
blue-duncan -
Rodney King -
LandoLincoln (56,62,38,33) -
TASMANIANRED (89,38,75,78) -
Eastbound (11,12,12,11) -
Antoninus (44,12,12,78) -
SittinYonder -
Dysart (56,75,38,56) -
WildHorseCrash (89,12,75,22) -
SittinYonder (78,62,25,67) -
annalex (44,62,38,22) -
norton (33,62,38,22) -
toomanygrasshoppers (89,75,12,67) -
Grammy -
jer33 3 -
MontanaBeth -
ParadigmLost -
P.O.E. -
tet68 -
muir_redwoods -
feefee -
Professional Engineer (83,25,81,67) -
LibertarianInExile (22,44,50,1) -
Conservative4Ever -
RightField (78,25,88,78) -
King Prout (67,25,88,78) -
Harmless Teddy Bear (78,50,25,67) -
NicknamedBob (33,34,1,35) -
RadioAstronomer (78,62,88,33) -
Domestic Church -
SuzyQue -
jmcenanly (78,25,75,56) -
nuclady (33,88,1,56) -
Dr._Joseph_Warren -
Greenpees -
radiohead -
McGavin999 -
dajeeps (67,62,62,67) -
PA Engineer (67,75,50,67) -
Southbound (67,12,50,67) -
XEHRpa (56,38,62,67) -
B.O.Plenty (56,50,38,1) -
fnord (89,12,100,22) -
MitchellC (89,25,62,11) -
gitmo -
John Lenin -
sawoody (89,12,62,11) -
uglybiker -
freedumb2003 (I1=33 I2=12 T=1 J=67) (?) -
Tired of Taxes (22,38,62,33) -
SunTzuWu (78,25,88,56) -
Ryan Spock (89,25,38,33) -
kiki04 -
dougd (67,50,12,22) -
BIGLOOK (22,75,50,11) -
Segovia (56,25,25,44) -
ClearBlueSky (81,69,50,17) -
Washi -
NewLand (33,12,38,44) -
georgiagirl3814 (44,25,12,11) -
judicial meanz -
Thermopylae -
Senorita (44,38,38,38) Lil'freeper -
muir_redwoods -
GrandEagle (89,38,81,33) -
texas booster (67,38,50,11) -
MizSterious -
Palmer (78,25,25,1) -
Andrewksu (44,88,75,11) -
Sally'sConcerns -
GrandmaPatriot (56,25,1,78) -
lesser_satan -
Uglybiker -
Solamente (44,50,50,67) -
DTogo (11, 50, 1, 67) -
Geezerwheezer (22,12,12,44) -
ThePythonicCow (67,75,88,89) -
rusty millet (89,62,75,11) -
Pukin Dog (33,56,100,11) -
Gandalf_The_Gray (83,38,81,67) -
Donald Rumsfeld (67,25,62,78) -
Socratic (44,38,1,44) -
MrBlueSky2005 -
Tarheel -
Dementon (100,75,75,1) -
Lorianne (44,62,12,33) -
TaxRelief -
PresbyRev (33,75,25,11) -
Wolfpat -
Sit-rep (11,6,75,22) -
JasonC -
Lando Lincoln -
Grimalkin (100,75,75,67) -
Redheadtoo -
AirForce-TechSgt 2 (33,38,62,1) -
GodBlessRonaldReagan -
Kieri (100,75,62,33) -
Shadow Deamon (78,12,12,33) -
Goodnesswins (67,25,38,44) -
Sundog (11,12,38,67) -
4woodenboats (22,50,62,22) -
Loraine -
Rightwing Conspiratr1 (83,75,1,11) -
Steve Van Doorn -
Truemiester -
ko_kyi -
TheForceOfOne (44,38,55,56) -
Designer (67,12,75,33) -
Optimill -
Iceskater (89,25,12,56) -
Sionnsar (22,25,12,89) -
Squantos -
NickFlooding (33,12,25,67) -
Chode (11, 12, 25, 89) -
crescentbeach -
Axhandle -
LadyPilgrim -
Grand Eagle -
Dog Gone 2 -
Debg -
- T Minus Four (78,62,62,1)
- R. Scott (22,12,38,44)
- Jaded (1,12,1,67)
- A Texan (33,50,75,44)
- Texas Federalist
- Beagle8U (56,62,25,78)
- Old Professer (56,62,44,78)
- sean327
- AirForce-TechSgt (22,25,12,1)
- rockthecasbah
- Horatio Gates (22,25,50,78)
- RonF (78,62,62,1)
- colorcountry (1,25,25,33)
- conservativeharleyguy (33,25,25,22)
- eyespysomething
- Laz711 (1,50,25,67)
- XeniaSt
- linda_22003
- Calpernia (33,12,1,56)
- Old Professer
- livius
- andyandval
- Sensei Ern (56,25,25,67)
- mpackard
- Paulus
- AZ_Cowboy (1,50,1,67)
- Julliardsux (22,25,25,22)
- Rokke (11,62,75,22)
- Just another Joe (1,38,25,44)
- Bigun (11,38,62,56)
- bboop
iNTp Occupations Represented:
eNTp Occupations Represented:
iNTj Occupations Represented:
About to graduate with a Computer Science degree and will be studying medicine next year. -
Agricultural Research Scientist -
Architect -
Architect -
Army Officer -
Artist -
Associate admin/research admin -
Attorney -
Biology Major -
Boat building & repair (prev. sales) -
Boiler and Machinery Insurance Loss Prevention Engineer -
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspector -
Business Owner -
Business Owner. -
Business Owner/Plumbing Contractor -
Business Owner & Homemaker -
Cake decorator (pro) -
Computer Consultant/Manager -
Computer Network Administrator -
Critical care nurse (ret) -
Degree in Geological Sciences -
Department Manager -
Die maker & Mfg. Co. owner -
Document Controller for A Global Medical Device Corp.Electronics -
Educator -
Educator/counselor -
Engineer -
Engineer -
Engineer -
Engineer -
Engineer -
Engineer -
Engineer/entrepreneur -
Engineer/MBA -
Engineering Assistant -
Facilities Management - engineering and maintenance for commercial buildings -
Federal Law Enforcement -
Figure skating/painting/reading. -
Freelance product designer with a background in applied physics. -
Homeschooling Mom -
HS teacher (ret) -
Industrial maintenance electrician -
Lab Analyst -
Law student -
Lawyer -
Logistics Manager -
Luxury Shopping Plaza, Operations Manager -
Machinist -
Manufacturing engineer -
Master Electrician/Contractor and a skilled tradesman is a few other areas. Sort of a lay engineer without a degree -
Mechanic -
Mechanical Designer/MCSE -
Mechanical engineer doing new product design (ret) -
Mechanical Engineer, of War toys -
Mechanical Technician -
Minister -
Ministry: discipleship and missions leader, cross cultural trainer -
Mortgage loan production manager (ret) -
MS Engineering & MS Economics -
MS Management -
Network Administrator -
Nuclear waste mgmt. (retired) -
Own a interior construction company. -
Personal and Family Asset Manager -
Physical sciences -
Physicist -
Physicist -
Private Investigator, Truth Examiner -
Political worker -
Project Finance -
Projects coordinator/manager (ret) -
Public transportation-operations management -
Publishing/business owner -
Real Estate Broker -
Retired Accountant -
Retired Military -
Sales Rep -
Satellite Communications Systems Specialist / Software Engineer -
Scientist -
Skilled in numerous mechanical disciplines, my favorite being the repair of commercial espresso machines. -
Small business owner--Software and Imbedded hw/sw systems for heavy industry. -
Software Engineer. -
Stay at home mom -
Subsidiary President of a publicly traded company -
Technical writer/editor (ret) -
Telecom Technician -
Unix Administrator -
Webserver technical support. -
Wife, mom -
Writer -
Writer -
Writer -
eNTj Occupations Represented:
Airman -
Director of Loss Prevention, Safety & Security -
DoD consultant -
Eight-Track Tape Repairman -
Engineer -
Engineering student -
Former nuclear tech. for submarines -
Paper Machine Superintendent -
Pharmaceutical manufacturing Team Leader. -
Politician -
Technical Writer -
Wellsite consulting geologist (petroleum). -
chile -
sonsofliberty2000 -
Toby06 -
Americanwolfsbrother (78,25,50,1) -
Trillian (33,12,38,56) -
Doomonyou (6,38,100,56) -
SpeakLittle_ThinkMuch (78,38,75,11) -
humblegunner (67,38,100,56) -
used2BDem -
nina0113 -
kellynch (67,25,25,44) -
RedRightReturn -
Always Right -
Jack Deth (22,38,38,44) -
Conservababe (33,1,25,78) -
jsh3180 (78,6,25,1) -
Always Learning (39,25,25,1) -
P-Marlowe -
7thson (67,38,38,44) -
William Tell (56,1,88,22) -
#1CTYankee -
Psycho_Bunny (100,12,50,22) -
GRRRRR (44,50,88,33) -
Darksheare (67,12,38,44) -
TheBrotherhood (22,1,38,22) -
auboy(67,12,25,78) -
Kaylee Frye (11,25,12,67) -
Proud_texan (67,38,75,67) -
#1CTYankee -
SandyInSeattle -
abigailsmybaby -
Maigrey -
Stegall Tx (78,50,12,22) -
Spunky (22,38,50,78) -
mdittmar -
maxwell (89/12/88/100) -
carlr (78,1,38,67) -
jrcats -
Upcrawfish (33,25,62,11) -
Feinswinesuksass 2 (44,1,38,22) -
Gamecock -
ChalkFarmer -
Lady Heron -
Sissyjane -
SamAdams76 (78,50,88,56) -
Digger48* -
Mathluv -
Fresh Wind -
Jellybean (78,25,1,44) -
FortWorthPatriot -
StayAt HomeMother -
LonePalm (44,12,12,67) -
Fast Moving Angel
Xenalyte -
Slicksadick (56,12,12,22) -
Wuli -
YankeeGirl -
cmsgop -
jmpmstr4u2 (67,38,50,44) -
feinswinesuksass (1,12,25,22) -
Veronica -
Buckeyenation -
Dashing Dasher (67,1,75,11) -
William Creel (33,25,38,78) -
FourtySeven (1,25,25,33)
imskylark -
cgk (67,1,38,33) -
happymom (33,12,62,1) -
duckman -
Auntbee (33,100,25,56) -
Recovering_Democrat -
tgslTakoma -
Corin Stormhands -
muggs (78,25,25,22) -
hummingbird(78,38,12,44) -
Madame Dufarge -
Supernatural(33,25,12,33) -
Politicalmom -
trussell (22,50,50,1) -
IrishRainy (67,12,50,33) -
scott says (44,38,12,44) -
epow (44,38,12,44) -
hoosier_RW_conspirator (22,25,25,11) -
Angelwood -
luv2lurkhere (67,25,50,44) -
GodBlessPeggyNoonan (44,50,25,11) -
Mschalock -
StarFan -
Ferri -
Tax-chick (11,38,12,89) -
LadyJMayo -
Molly Pitcher (33,1,25,78) >
gakrak -
Froufrou -
Mrs.Nooseman (11,25,12,44) -
demkicker (22,12,50,22) -
peacebaby (44,1,75,56) -
Lindsay -
RMDupree -
Demkicker -
LadyPilgrim's husband
iStJ Occupations Represented:
Analyst (Federal Government), Retired Military -
Army Officer -
Civil engineer -
Director Network Operations - Union Pacific Railroad -
Drainage Contractor -
Electronics/systems engineer (retired) -
Engineer, Program Manager -
Equipment parts sales -
General Contractor -
Homemaker -
Inspector & a retired claims adjuster -
Legal assistant. -
Librarian -
Material Handler -
Medical supply inspector -
Navy Captain (ret) -
Owned and operated an Instant Print center -
PABX tech and technical support -
Paralegal -
Quality Manager -
Retired teacher -
Scientist -
Self-employed and homemaker. -
Systems Engineer
eStJ Occupations Represented:
iSfJ Occupations Represented:
B.A. in Music (Vocal) -
Computer Information Technology support person -
Computer Information Technology support person -
Homemaker -
Homeschool mom -
Homeschool mom -
Medical transcriptionist (work at home...perfect for an introvert!) -
Middle school teacher -
Mother -
Mother -
Programmer/Analyst -
Retired Librarian -
Stay at home mom/homemaker -
Title insurance (records research & analysis), and all-around poor delegator.
eSfJ Occupations Represented:
President CEO (retired) - Mail House- Printing, sorting, inserting and mailing. -
Transportation & Business
"The HEALERS" iNFp |
Tokra (22,25,56,62) -
Lancey Howard (22,12,38,56) -
Yeti (89,50,12,33) -
Americanwolf (56,25,12,11) -
RedRightReturn -
Paradox (89,50,12,33) -
KYGrandma (72,62,1,44) -
billbears (100,75,25,22) -
BallandPowder (11,38,75,33) -
NRA2Bfree (11,50,62,22) -
freepatriot32 (11,12,12,33) -
najida -
HKMk23 (11,62,25,11) -
Emmalein (67,62,50,11) -
Recovering Hermit (56,25,25,56) -
Bannie (22,25,50,56) -
Js1138 -
Jessica24 (56,100,88,11) -
Corbie (89,50,50,22) -
Tony in Hawaii (56,38,25,33) -
proud American in Canada -
Kieri's husband -
pollyannaish -
SlowBoat407 (39,19,31,17) -
phantomworker (42,62,62,8) -
girlangler -
Bella_Bru (67,38,44,22) -
FOG724 (67,12,38,56) -
fanfan's son (22,62,25,22) -
FarmerW (11,12,12,11) -
Fanfan 2 -
Houeto (44/50/12/44) -
PureSolace (100,62,62,11)
Indy Pendance -
Knitting a Conundrum -
Alamo-Girl (44,75,25,25) -
blinachka (44,25,62,78) -
Dunstan McShane -
retrokitten -
meanie monster -
Andy'smom -
MarxSux (100, 62, 50, 33) -
trisham -
Evie Munchkin -
ClancyJ -
Ohioan from Florida (22,50,25,1) -
WashingtonStateRepublican (56,50,12,11) -
Desert_Girl (89,25,25,78) -
viaveritasvita (44,25,25,44) -
Countyline (56,12,25,44) -
TChris (22,12,38,1) -
theophilusscribe -
Let's Roll (17,19,50,56) -
Paperdoll (33,50,12,89) -
grey_whiskers (56,62,38,56) -
A message -
Dinah Lord (78,12,38,22) -
Samwise -
satire -
GoodWithBarbarians JustForKaos (33,25,12,33) -
MarMema (44,50,50,56) -
grannie9 -
TigersEye (78 38 25 44) -
Mugwump -
kosta50 (56,62,44,56) -
ShadowStrike (33,25,25,25) -
Hope -
ShutUpandSing -
Usmcobra -
Freema (11,88,38,11) -
Brazzaville -
rampage8 -
Libertina -
M. Thatcher -
JrandomFreeper -
Carlo3b (11,50,12,67) -
Elyse -
Sisku Hanne -
HKMk23 2 (22,50,31,4) -
Vicki -
Albion Wilde
abner (33,38,25,22) -
jmc813 -
Griff55 -
.30Carbine (1,50,75,22) -
phantomworker (39,57,40,12) -
Diva Betsy Ross -
RightWhale (33,38,38,11) -
Anitius Severinus Boethius (22,62,25,11) -
Paved Paradise (44, 38, 52, 67) -
I'm ALL Right! -
connectthedots (67,62,12,11) -
3D-JOY (22,38,25,33) -
arasina (33,62,38,1) -
Cool Guy (78,75,12,11) -
Kolokotronis -
fatima (1-38-25-11) -
pinz-n-needlez -
bvw (33,50,12,11) -
PistolPaknMama -
Deadhead (44,38,50,44) -
Dlfromthedesert -
Woodstock (1,25,25,33) -
Maggief (89,50,25,33) -
Allegra -
Gobucks -
xone (44,38,12,56)
iNFp Occupations Represented:
Airline pilot [retired] -
Animal caretaker, editor, writer -
Disabled -
High School English teacher -
Hope to become a Missionary -
Student (English)/creative writing
eNFp Occupations Represented:
Degrees in Psych and Math/Engineering -
Designer/Creative Director/Professor -
Manage medical practice for my spouse -
Safety Specialist -
Video Game Designer
iNFj Occupations Represented:
Art Degree -
Automobile restorer -
Carpenter - unemployed -
Computer Specialist / Developer / Administrator -
Develops and Edits books -
Engineer -
Engineer/MBA -
Enrolled Agent -
Graphic Designer -
Healer - nurse -
Herbalist - unemployed -
Housewife -
House-wife, Mother, Retired -
ICU Nurse -
IT Contracting -
Journalist -
Junior high English teacher -
Mentor - fired -
Mother/Homemaker/Child Advocate -
Musician - composer -
Musician - performer -
Nursing student -
On-line Counseling of young people with eating disorders -
Operations manager for a Wall Street firm -
Owner Software Development Company -
PhD Molecular Collision Theory -
Political appointment, work for an elected official -
Retail store manager -
Retired Real Estate Broker, Writer. -
Sales/ Field -
Scientist - geologist -
Signals intelligence analyst in the Army -
Small business owner -
Stay at home Mom -
Stay at home Mom -
Stay at home mom -
Stay at home Mom -
Writer -
Writer -
eNFj Occupations Represented:
Ardent activist (Michigan homeschool law repeal in the 90's) -
Civilian defense contractor - procurement. -
Current mentor to many screwed up mainstream 20- and 30-somethings. -
Farmer -
Fiber Artist (weaving, knitting, spinning, quilting, lacemaking, etc.). -
Former La Leche League Leader -
Golfer -
Homeschool Educator -
Homeschooler (ret 4 K-12) -
Information Technology -
Mailman -
Mom/teacher of 3 -
Mother -
Paralegal -
Physical Education Teacher. -
Project Manager -
Registered nurse (NICU) -
Self employed since adulthood -
Worked with Autistic/MR, Social Services
iSfP |
eSfP |
iStP |
eStP |
fanfan (11,25,12,33) -
mollynme -
KylaStarr (89,25,62,33) -
Moshikashitara -
Romish_Papist -
Melas -
DollyCali (33,25,56,83) -
IrishRainy's daughter (67,25,25,33)
Publius6961 (44,1,1,33) -
Jersey Republican Biker Chick (89,50,1,67) -
skr (89,38,50,22) -
danmar (11,25,62,56) -
Stentor (89, 50, 38, 44) -
Skylus (72,25,1,28) -
FeliciaCat (11,62,25,22) -
iSfP Occupations Represented:
Aromatherapy. -
Art -
Clinical Systems Analyst -
District Claims Manager (Medical related) -
Horticulture -
Jobless, hoping to join the Navy -
Owner-operator (retail), home improvement -
eSfP Occupations Represented:
Care giving mom(no pay) 10 -
Commercial Real Estate sales/development - 12 yrs -
High school right now but will be majoring in English. -
Pastoral Care 5 ended to then.. -
Teaching PE & Biology 10 yrs
iStP Occupations Represented:
eStP Occupations Represented:
Helicopter Pilot -
Military Officer -
Small Business Owner