You didn't answer the question that I asked in #23 (is it correct that you would rather see Lampson win in the general election than for Tom DeLay to have another term), or my question in #28 (would you deny a vote to DeLay, by not voting at all or by voting for Stockman?). The absence of an answer to those questions just makes me go hmmmm .......
The worst outcome would be for Lampson to win. That's why I support Campbell. Campbell has a better chance at winning the general election than DeLay does.
As far as voting for DeLay . . . I haven't voted for him in 10 years. (I've mentioned this on many threads for many years; I don't try to hide it.) I hold elected officials to the highest level of ethical behavior. DeLay's behavior in the Milton Wright election of 1996 is in the grey area, but his contradictory statements under oath in the Blankenship case is an undeniable case of poor character.