You are exactly right.
I saw one talking head say it wasn't because Dubai is an Arab country, it was because it was a "staging area" for 9-11. Why? Because one or more of the hijackers passed through there at some point.
Ignoring the fact that Dubai is the regional transportation center, if being a "staging area" for 9-11 is the critera, then we ought to be engaged in a 24-7 embargo against Germany, the REAL staging area for the whole thing.
Has everyone forgotten that Hambug was Mohammad Atta's base of operations? Does anyone really think that we would be seeing this blood-in-the-water phenomenon if it were a German company that bought out P&O?
No, we have ignoramuses spouting absolute crap like "We're at WAR with them!"
With DUBAI? That's like being at war with Singapore. Anyone with the slightest knowledege of the reason knows that Dubai and the UAE, along with Oman and Bahrain are the most pro-western, forward looking, moderate counties in the region.
If we try to tar these countries with the Al-Qauda brush, we only wind up looking like a bunch of racist yahoos who can't tell friend from foe.
And making enemies of those we are trying to keep on board.
This fits with Bush's whole "hearts and minds".
It is my understanding that the company will have nothing to do with port security.
I don't understand how people howl about needing to bring middle eastern/arab countries into the 21st century, but then smack their hands when they try.
And as for them not being as free as we are, they won't get any freer if we dismiss them immediately as terrorists and not deal with them.
In that region you're not saying much.
The "moderate" UAE supports the Taliban and Iran's belief that Israel should not exist as a country, and have taken communist China's tac of government imposed restriction of Internet use. Their "moderate" form of government is an islamic Skeikdom, just like Saudi Arabia.