I suspect that some evangelical christians in the west and the US would also be to the left on war and religion. My understanding is that a significant proportion of evangelical christians in the US vote Democrat. 24% is a figure that comes to mind. Where does Jesse Jackson belong? Is he classed as an evangelical Christian?
In fact, I imagine the proportion for Asian evangelical Christians would go close to 90%. I grew up with Bible teachers preaching that if you don't believe in pacifism and social democracy (socialism) then you aren't a true Christian at all. The most hardcore anti-Communist Chinese in HK during British rule were not Christians and most of the prominent Christians sound mushy when confronting the Chinese Communists.
Jesse Jackson is not considered evangelical because he has come in front delcaring he is pro-abortions and also he believes the Jesus isn't God.
I would ping to dsc and Esther Ruth for comments as they are in America and dsc is a Catholic and Esther Ruth is evangelical.