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To: jecIIny

Actually, the South declared it's independence, and requested the North to vacate their forts in the South. When they refused, they were fired on.

On a completely unrelated note, how the heck did JFK make the list? When reading the history books, I can't see much that he actually did. The philandering, makeup-wearing ponce owes more to the mystique of the Kennedys than to anything he ever did.

15 posted on 02/20/2006 11:21:17 AM PST by stan the beaver (We will kill the ones who eat us, and eat the ones we kill!!)
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To: stan the beaver
IMHO What put Kennedy on the list is that he was killed in office. That is where the Kennedy mystique started. If I remember correctly, he was in for a battle to be re-elected.
27 posted on 02/20/2006 11:43:28 AM PST by quikdrw (Life is's even tougher if you are stupid.)
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To: stan the beaver; jecIIny; stainlessbanner
Actually, the South declared it's independence, and requested the North to vacate their forts in the South. When they refused, they were fired on.

Gee Beave. You know, I've decided that I've had enough of the Socialist tyranny in the Seattle area and am declaring my block and all property in a 30 mile radius to be the Free State of Fredonia. I demand that the U.S. Navy therefore surrender Bremerton and Naval Station Everett to me. If they fail to do so, I will be forced to get on the ferry and throw projectiles at the submarines in Bremerton harbor.

Just because a bunch of yokels decide that they are "independent" doesn't make it so. Would you support it if the Chicanos in California declared the independent Republic of Aztlan and demanded that we surrender San Diego and Camp Pendleton?

66 posted on 02/20/2006 2:40:06 PM PST by Clemenza (I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked...)
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