I think Pence needs to spend some time with Linder. If he thinks it's anything at all like a VAT, he's misinformed.
And the prebates are MUCH simpler than the silly mess we have now- infact, they're much simpler than SS payments. If we use electronic cards, like debit cards, it can all be done with zero mail. The technology is already in place, and banks utilize it millions, maybe billions of times every day.
And the spending cuts will take care of themselves once the tax rate becomes a political football and people get sick of paying it every time they buy something.
So like I said, he probably needs to just spend more time with Linder on this. It's a no-brainer.
you are correct and I am sure it is happening.
The fairtax prebate is a $500 Billion redistribution plan. Any conservative should have an issue with that. Pence is correct. The biggest problem is spending. Tax reform while important is secondary.