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To: rollo tomasi
So electing big government Republicans is practical?

I never said that but thanks for admitting that you were wrong about the founding fathers.

Too bad many sacrifice basic conservative principals so they can get moderates elected.

I guess they were never conservative in the first place. Kind of like freepers who claim they might vote for a ultra-liberal horses butt like Nelson instead of the republican candidate.

Buchanan is a nut, isolationist I am not.

Yes he is but even Pat wouldn't vote for a slug like Neslon. You might.

Harris is a moderate.

Sure. I guess that's why the ACU gave her a rating of "92" in 2004. Bill Nelson, on the other hand, received a whopping "4" from the ACU.

And you might vote for this guy?

By the way, are those tax cuts permanent yet? What about curbing big government? "But those mean democrats are filibustering". Why hasn't Frist brought the mattresses out? Afraid those votes for benefits might dry up?

And an ultra-liberal (more liberal than Hillary) will deliver on these issues for conservatives better than Harris? That's pretty nutty. But you go ahead and wring your hands over who to vote for. I know it must be hard for you to tell the difference between "4" and "92".

Good luck with that third party.

153 posted on 02/17/2006 8:20:02 PM PST by Mase
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To: Mase

I think that third party begins with a "D." Thanks for taking out the trash for me.

154 posted on 02/18/2006 7:04:39 AM PST by Coop (FR = a lotta talk, but little action)
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To: Mase
An overall rating of 90% looks good on paper (Gun control, tax cuts, pro business) but looking at the issues she voted against the ACU recommendations tells me she likes to use federal funds for her pet projects. Hence a moderate/conservative.

Seems the Senate is filled with them already, why do we need another pork ridden politician?

Also as long as Harris supports policies of envirowackos she will always be a moderate. How can a free market conservative support legislation to lock up the gathering of natural resources forever? Harris should side with conservation, not extremism.

You never did explain this page.

Preserving SS, wealth distribution, increase funding for an already bloated educational system, siding with environmentalist extremist etc... all screams moderate.

I would never vote for Nelson. Like I said I might vote for Harris but she is not for limited government and energy dependence even though she agrees to drill in ANOTHER state. Pretty gutless if you ask me but like you believe, must sacrifice principles, which means succumbing to more spending and envirowackism so we can "win".
155 posted on 02/18/2006 7:18:12 AM PST by rollo tomasi (Working hard to pay for deadbeats and corrupt politicians.)
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