To: scott says; mainepatsfan; cgk; nuconvert; Darksheare; King Prout
Well now we have a new punchline for trolls...
Wanna go hunting with the Dick????
252 posted on
02/12/2006 1:26:19 PM PST by
(Brokeback Mountain: The ONLY western where the Cowboys GET IT IN THE END!!!)
To: MikeinIraq
To: MikeinIraq
"" Thanks for the generous do these things work? Don't worry, I'll figure it out..."
283 posted on
02/12/2006 1:30:36 PM PST by
scott says
(Ah, but I was so much older then,I'm younger than that now.)
To: MikeinIraq
287 posted on
02/12/2006 1:30:57 PM PST by
(Why don't you just report the news, instead of what might be the news? - Donald Rumsfeld 1/25/2006) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson