I had a relevant issue in my clas yesterday. I have a Korean ninth grader who wouldn't stand for the Pledge. I don't force the kids to say it, but I demand they stand in respect. I took him aside and asked where in Korea he was from. Seoul. I told him my uncle Joe spent five months defending his country from June to November 1950, and 34 months in a Chinese POW hell after he was captured on the C'hong C'hong. I would not let that sacrifice be disrespected in my presence and I would visit his home with a picture on my uncle to shame his parents.
I got you had a "talk" with the snot nose and set him straight.
Reminds me of the time my wife, then an adult college student, was lectured by a Japan-American teen ager in class about the butchering of Native Americans by Europeans. She should apologize.
Calmly, she asked him then to apologize for Pearl Harbor. The punk walked out of class, upset.