This is what the disgusting little buggers had to say.
The minutes! (Go to the bottom of the fifth page)
Jill Edwards and Ashley Miller are stupid @!#$%n idiots.
XI. Announcements
Magnus Gordon encouraged senators and their constituents to come to the HUB crawl for go-cart racing and a poetry slam on February the 16 th.
Hala Dillsi noted that GBLTC is having auditions for the drag show this week.
Selma Dillsi said APS is having its annual Human Rights Film Fest on February 15 th-19th.
Jill Edwards noted that Honors Croquet League is holding a match this Saturday.
Ashley Miller said this Thursday during noon passing periods groups would be playing The Privilidge Game in front of the HUB.
It was noted that tickets for the Vagina Monologues are currently available in the HUB ticket office.
Jon Lee said Innocence Project Northwest is having a screening at the Burke Museum regarding the death penalty.
Karl Smith noted the ACLU is having a meeting in Kane Hall this Saturday.
XII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:03PM
Ashley Miller commented that many monuments at UW already commemorate rich white men.
Karl Smith amended the first whereas clause to strike the section he was credited with destroying 26 enemy aircraft, tying the record for most aircraft destroyed by a pilot in American Uniform for which he was and leaving the reference to the Navy Cross. Seconded. Objection.
He said the resolution should commend Colonel Boyingtons service, not his killing of others. Andrew Everett said a destroyed aircraft was not necessarily indicative that a pilot had died. He said the statistic on aircraft downed explained Colonel Boyingtons achievements and why his performance was noteworthy.
Deidre Lockman said she was in favor of the resolution and approved of Karl Smiths amendment.
Sam Al-Khoury moved to close debate on the amendment. Seconded. Passed without objection. The amendment passed.
Erin Shields asked what the process is for erecting a memorial on campus.
Andrew Everett said it was a process he would push through personally.
He said it would go to the university administration, then to the Capital Projects Committee for placement consideration, and back to the administration for a final discussion on the monument. Niki Iglesias moved to close debate. Seconded. Objection. The motion failed.
Shawn Fisher moved to amend the second that clause and strike the deadline of 11 January 2008.
He said he was against the resolution, but that if it did pass, he wanted the statue to be of a high quality and said the project shouldnt be rushed.
Mikhail Smirnoff noted the resolution didnt require the statue to be finished, but merely have the process started by that time. Melissa Aar said she was against the amendment because of the significance of the date.
Shawn Fisher moved to close debate. Seconded. Passed without objection.
Debate was closed. The amendment failed.
A Senator said he feared Senate was rubber stamping a project that it didnt know enough about. He noted that Senate didnt have any specification for the statues appearance or details on its placement.
Jon Lee said he didnt want to see a campus inundated with memorials.
He said he feared this would open the invitation to multiple other memorials.
Andrew Everett said he envisioned a monument similar to the Lincoln Brigade outside of the HUB. He said he respected the history of the UW institution and the people it has produced and that the UW owes it to students to honors those from the past.
Deidre Lockman moved to strike the quote from President Roosevelt. Seconded. Objection.
She said the resolution focused more heavily on the negative aspects of war and should instead focus on more positive aspects such as the awarding of the Medal of Honor.
Travis Grandy moved to amend the amendment to restore whose citation was signed by pres. Franklin D Roosevelt in March 1944. Seconded. Passed without objection.
Shawn Fisher said he thought the quote was unnecessary and reflected badly on the resolution.
Alex Kerchner said the issue was clear cut and that it didnt make any sense to commend Colonel Boyington for his Medal of Honor, and yet remove the reason it was awarded.
Mikhail Smirnoff said it was important to note what the Colonel actually achieved. He said it didnt make sense to not acknowledge why he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
Jon Evans moved to close debate on the amendment. Seconded. Objection. The motion passed. Debate was closed on the amendment. The amendment failed.
I really wish I knew what to say about these lefty idiots, but words fail me.