XI. Announcements
Magnus Gordon encouraged senators and their constituents to come to the HUB crawl for go-cart racing and a poetry slam on February the 16 th.
Hala Dillsi noted that GBLTC is having auditions for the drag show this week.
Selma Dillsi said APS is having its annual Human Rights Film Fest on February 15 th-19th.
Jill Edwards noted that Honors Croquet League is holding a match this Saturday.
Ashley Miller said this Thursday during noon passing periods groups would be playing The Privilidge Game in front of the HUB.
It was noted that tickets for the Vagina Monologues are currently available in the HUB ticket office.
Jon Lee said Innocence Project Northwest is having a screening at the Burke Museum regarding the death penalty.
Karl Smith noted the ACLU is having a meeting in Kane Hall this Saturday.
XII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:03PM
I didn't read the whole thing. What I did read was disgusting enough!