Perhaps you could explain what is wrong with the theory of evolution rather than just making empty assertions.
ather than just making empty assertions.
What if they were full?
A conundrum exists once one realizes that, to develop a skeleton or musculature (or eyesight, or gastrointestinal function, etc.) would require the pre-existence of highly complex vasculature, oxygenation and nervous systems to support them.
By the same token, however, without eyesight or a highly developed gastrointestinal tract for locating and processing the necessary nutrients required for such new systems (vasculature, respiratory and nervous), they could not have developed in any event.
Which leads one to assume that, IF The Theory OF Evolution is correct, then all of these interdependent and irreducibly complex systems just somehow "exploded" onto the scene in some minor Big-Evo-Bang. Not only does such a necessary assumption strain credulity, it also flies in the face of every scientific principle known... one of which is that "where there is a design, there must be a designer.
That's just, shall we say, for starters.