one more reason to raise minimum wage. You have to love these Demwits.
Illinois Smokers:
A public yahoo group for anyone who wants to talk about the Illinois ban situation.
Illinois Smokers Alliance:
A smokers ban discussion group from IL. A public group but moderated against posts made by anti-smokers.
Illinois State Page:
Facts, Press Releases, Visiting, Government, and more.
Tobacco Taxes
Illinois's excise tax per pack of cigarettes: $0.980
Illinois's excise tax collection for the
fiscal year ending June 2002: $471,551,000
Sales tax on tobacco products: 6.25%
Local tax on tobacco products: $60,605,152
Federal excise tax per pack of cigarettes: $0.39
Total federal excise tax collections in fiscal year 2002: $7,512,700,000
Comparing Excise Taxes on Cigarettes, Beer and Wine
click for larger view Number of six-packs of beer that must be sold in Illinois to produce the same state excise tax revenue generated by one carton of cigarettes: 94.2
click for larger view Number of bottles of wine that must be sold in Illinois to produce the same state excise tax revenue generated by one carton of cigarettes: 67.8
Can't stand the high taxes?
Afraid to order off of the Internet?
Then start rolling your own!!! I find everything but the machine downtown at the local Smoke Shop. Also, Rite Aid and grocery stores also sell the bags of tobacco and the filtered tubes.
I roll out a beautiful carton for a little under $8 dollars. Premiums in my state are now up to $45-$50 a carton. Can you imagine the money I have saved over the past 4 years since I now roll my own? It's mind boggling.
under $50.00
Check StuffYourOwn for prices on tobacco
$1.99 for 200 filtered tubes
Make your own cigarettes for as low as $6.99 per Carton! Smoke Quality FILTERED cigarettes that you make yourself using cigarette tubes (like a cigarette without the Cigarette tobacco), our cigarette making machines, and our "roll your own" cigarette tobacco.
-Stop Paying High Cigarette Taxes
-So Much Easier than "Roll Your Own" cigarettes!