He still has three vacancies to fill in the D.C. circuit court of appeals, and only one nominee so far (guy blocked in senate for ages). That's the most important appeals court, where supreme court justices often come from.
Step by step, GWB is changing the courts and the Rats can`t do very much about it, te he
Brett Kavanaugh. First nominated on July 25, 2003, he was the only pending nomination returned to the President when the Senate recessed at the end of December, 2005. He was renominated by the President on January 25. Hillary! Clinton is thought to be behind the return.
Kavanaugh has earmarks of being a crony pick, and was involved in the Vince Foster aspect of Ken Starr's investigations into the Clintons. Reid has expressed a desire to filibuster the Kavanaugh nomination, too.
AP Report Reid wants to filibuster Haynes & Kavanaugh - May 28, 2005
Jan 7, 2006: Hillary! accused of being behind the Kavanaugh return