To: JulieRNR21
How cool is this ! ? ! Fantastic news. Apparently, I missed any previous articles covering this development. I've just been thinking what a great thing this is. A full, national organization of black Conservatives. This has the potential of something really big and something that will truly put the disadvantaged on a marked upswing in the whole gamut of being an American. Methinks education is a great starting point. (vouchers)
Nam Vet
51 posted on
02/08/2006 10:26:12 PM PST by
Nam Vet
(The Democrat Party of America is perfectly P.C. * .(* P.C. = Patriotically Challenged)
To: Nam Vet
I think this puts the Republican Party ahead of the Democratic Party because it shows that if you have big ideas and are a person of character, we will support you regardless of your skin color.
This is the party of OPPORTUNITY!!! What you do with it is up to you.
60 posted on
02/09/2006 7:21:16 AM PST by
(Ken Blackwell, Ohio Governor in 2006- No!! You cannot have my governor in 2008.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson