The Left is MANDATED to say how much they admired Mother Sheehan, even as they recognize the damage she does to their various causes.
They just can't MOVEON.
1 posted on
02/03/2006 10:25:08 AM PST by
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To: SmithL
If Carroll is writing like this, the word has obviously gone forth from communist hq to dump Sheehan, ever so gently but firmly.
2 posted on
02/03/2006 10:28:09 AM PST by
To: SmithL
Moral authority my derriere
To: SmithL
She has already spent ALL of her political capital.
To: SmithL
you become a sock puppet, and easy to make fun of, and that hurts -- you, me, the cause, whatever. Professional writers should probably stay away from lazy use of "whatever".
Also, what is "the cause"? I'm guessing he means the Destruction of the West, but it would be helpful if he could spell out this noble cause for those of us who don't get Talking Points faxed to us each morning.
To: SmithL
I like the way she used her moral authorityHuh?
7 posted on
02/03/2006 10:30:55 AM PST by
Jim Noble
(And you know what I'm talkin' 'bout)
To: SmithL
Is everyone named "john" without the "h" a commie, a queer or both?
9 posted on
02/03/2006 10:32:11 AM PST by
hang 'em
("None work so hard for their money as those who marry for it " - another Freeper)
To: SmithL
In other words, you served our purposes now your a liability. Get lost!
To: SmithL
I wish more people would make light of the fact that Cindy did not raise Casey, that Casey was raised by his step-mom. Cindy had only decided to become a mother when it was advantageous for her.
11 posted on
02/03/2006 10:33:40 AM PST by
Andy from Beaverton
(I only vote Republican to stop the Democrats)
To: SmithL
I do admire Cindy Sheehan. Hopefully, in a political sense...
12 posted on
02/03/2006 10:33:41 AM PST by
Inspector Kemp
(You can lead a liberal to reality, but you can't make them think.)
To: SmithL
I love Cindy Sheehan. I am pushing to get her to run for Senate. Honest to God. I WANT her to be the face of the Dems for the next 10 years!!!!
13 posted on
02/03/2006 10:34:15 AM PST by
To: SmithL
14 posted on
02/03/2006 10:34:23 AM PST by
To: SmithL
I do admire Cindy Sheehan.
How can anyone admire this 'useful idiot'? The only decent things she did:
-gave birth to Casey
-got out of the way and let another woman raise him
That's it. RIP Casey.
To: SmithL
Personally, I hope she digs in her heels, plants her finger nails in the door frame, and will only leave when her handlers have to drag her away by her appendages. The surest way to get to the Left is to laugh at them, and lots of people are beginning to laugh at Mother Sheehan.
16 posted on
02/03/2006 10:35:14 AM PST by
To: SmithL
Not only has she abandoned her remaining children but I wonder how they feel when they read the bad press, satire and derision written about their mother.
To: SmithL
Like most useless idiots, Sheehan has gotten drunk on the attention she achieved in Crawford. At first she drew sympathy. Now she is just pathetic.
18 posted on
02/03/2006 10:35:31 AM PST by
To: SmithL
In every war there are some parents who never recover from the loss of their son.
They lose all contact with reality from that day forward.
That is what Cindy is reminding us.
She needs professional help--now.
23 posted on
02/03/2006 10:37:22 AM PST by
(MSM and Democratic treason--fifty years and counting...)
To: SmithL
As my friend Carol Cantor says, "I think it's standard-issue (in the) left-wing activist's world, with the focus splintering into a multitude of passionate ineffectualities. She's done her bit and had her moment...." Translation: "We've used her up. Time to throw her away. But the stupid idiot won't stay in the dustbin of history!"
Good illustration of how a useful idiot can become a useless idiot, because she refuses to understand that she isn't useful any more and it's time for her to go.
Message to the Left, and to Cindy if she ever wakes up: People aren't put into this world to be used and used up. Not you, not your son, not your husband.
25 posted on
02/03/2006 10:37:49 AM PST by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: SmithL
I do admire Cindy Sheehan.Weak minds think alike.
26 posted on
02/03/2006 10:37:50 AM PST by
(In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. -- George Orwell)
To: SmithL
"You could still be doing good, but right now, you're not helping." On the contrary, she's helping the cause tremendously. Bwahahahahaha.
To: SmithL
Uh oh. Poor Jon Carroll. What was he thinking? After she sues the Capitol Hill police for her pain and suffering, he will be her next gravy train. Mother Sheehan doesn't handle criticism well. Wonder if he'll be on her next t-shirt.
29 posted on
02/03/2006 10:38:10 AM PST by
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