And then he wiped the floor of congress with those hearts, got the dead to smile and clap for him, and all the while reading the riot act to 'em, and did it all with a smile!
Georg Dubyah Bush has now entered the arena of our most famous presidents!
Judges who don't legislate from the bench, say " NO" to isolationism, used the term "radical Islam," and made Murtha clap to saying "thankyou" to a family whose dedication to freedom encompassed the death of their son, AND " to the people of Iran, we respect your country and support your quest for freedom!" WOW.
Alito in the front row agrin, and Cindy Shehan Arrested? Yeeeehaw! THREE MORE YEARS! Thankyou George!!!
No Isolationism!!!!!
What is this photo from? It looks like George Bush with some dude who looks like the stereotypical image of Ghengis Khan. Is this a photoshop job? Or is this for real?