Did you arrive at this statement empirically, or is it more like a gut feeling? IMO, science is no more coherent than religion. Both encompass a vast range of thought. Better to focus on a particular aspect of science or religion and from there see what degree of consensus might be found. Even within narrow parameters, both science and religion seem to produce variances.
That is one of the reasons I prefer the biblical texts as a starting point WRT the big picture. They reside outside of my creative power and as such may govern it. While their interpretation is subjective and by no means coherent for all people at all times, at least the texts themselves, prior to subjective interpretations, are largely coherent to begin with.
Another hilarious emission from FesterWorld. Can you actually say this with a straight face?
While (the interpretation of biblical texts) is subjective and by no means coherent for all people at all times
The understatement of the century.