"Correct. It is perfectly acceptable for a human female who happens to be healthy and beautiful to bear her breast and feed her equally healthy child.
It is NOT OK for some fat woman, (being fat is unhealthy and unattractive) to do the same.
If the fat woman doesn't want criticism, she needs to lose some weight.
Actually, it is my business, because the light photons that often bounce off of the fat, rotund bodies of large women unfortunately find their way into my eyeballs, causing my stomach to feel nauseated.
Second, it's not that I want to look at some "hot babe" breast feeding. It's not that she is there for me to watch. It has to do with the fact that there might be a chance situation where I would accidently turn my head towards her direction and see what she's doing. If it happened to be an attractive woman, I would be fine, in fact, my mood might improve, causing me to think of how beautiful this world is.
On the other hand, if I see some fat, unhealthy woman breastfeeding while eating some McDonalds, I would probably think of how people should be required to get a license before reproducing.
My information from the large-breasted and large-bodied women I know is that breastfeeding is very difficult, and they always give up. I've never seen a really large woman breastfeeding. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I imagine that most are embarrassed and would not do so in public. Otherwise, they are more than happy to bottlefeed. I wonder if bottlefeeding babies is prohibited at the pool.