Posted on 01/24/2006 3:52:25 PM PST by SandRat
BAGHDAD (Army News Service, Jan. 24, 2006) In a series of separate incidents, multi-national coalition forces disarmed improvised explove devices, uncovered several large weapon caches, and detained four suspected insurgents.
School saved from IED Jan. 24
Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and the1-71 Military Transition Team, 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, responded to a call from an Iraqi school guard reporting a possible improvised explosive device in the school south of Khadra.
The Soldiers found a 122mm mortar round booby-trapped to a door in the school and had it disabled.
Coalition raid captures terrorists Jan. 24
During a morning raid of two houses, Soldiers from the 2nd Company, 2nd Battalion, 8th Iraqi Army Division, and 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, detained two suspected terrorists in connection with recent IED attacks in the area.
Patrols find 3 caches Jan. 24
While conducting a patrol in south Baghdad, Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, discovered a weapons cache at approximately 1 p.m. The cache included one anti-personnel tank round and 73 rounds of unexploded ordnance.
Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, patrolling in northeast Baghdad discovered another cache which included 12 mortar rounds, two 125mm rounds and blasting caps.
Later that day west of Iskandariyah, Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, discovered an IED consisting of a 155mm round, a long-range cordless telephone, and a detonator with wires protruding from the round.
Dogs sniff-out large cache Jan. 20
Task Force Blackhawk, composed of Soldiers from the Illinois National Guard and Marines from 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward), captured a weapons cache and detained two suspected insurgents near the city of Qaryat al Jaffah during a combat patrol Jan. 20. Marine Corps military working dogs were used in the search and discovery of the cache.
The cache consisted of ten 82 mm mortar rounds, 200 artillery and mortar fuses, 500 feet of wire, 15,000 armor-piercing machine gun rounds, 15 rocket propelled grenades with 30 boosters and one launcher, 16 hand grenades, three 57 mm rockets, five 122 mm artillery shells and more than 2,000 small arms rounds.
In all of the incidents, officials said explosive ordnance disposal teams disabled or destroyed all IEDs and caches where they were located.
Successes by our troops. War Dogs too!
COOL!! Why don't we hear about that, from the schtoopid MSM who've been boring us to death with hourly reports and lengthy, terminally boring debates about that 4-month-old-news re: wiretapping nonsense?
/heavy Sarcasm off!
Keep up the good work RAT! Also if you have a ping list please add me.
you're on it now
Cronkite is too busy with his Viagra drip infusion these day's since he's getting married soon.
This is way good news, capturing all that potential IED
As a former "Gator Navy" sailor, I have a question for my
Marine Corp brothers.
Do Ya'll make those dogs get a tatoo of a jarheads face
on their upper front legs?
...........just kidding, USMC, You guys are Rocking like it
has never been done before, you folks are making History.
Here you go....
Widower Walter Cronkite is 'dating'
New York | January 19, 2006
Legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite says he's keeping company with New York realtor Joanna Simon, the sister of singer Carly Simon.
Cronkite, 89, lives in the same building as Simon, 65, the New York Post reported Wednesday.
Cronkite's wife of 65 years died from cancer in March.
My wife has only been gone less than a year. I'll wait until that year has passed, at least, he said. We are keeping company, as the old phrase used to be. I'm not making any moves immediately. I don't think it's proper.
Simon's husband, former New York Times Magazine articles editor and author Gerald Walker, died from complications of a stroke in early 2004.
Simon -- an opera singer -- won an Emmy Award as arts correspondent with PBS' McNeil-Lehrer News Hour from 1986-1992.
Walter You Suck!
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