What are you talking about? Is your goal a "white only" america or something?
The fact is we have around 10 million mexicans here, and they aren't going anywhere. There's no place to send them to live, and there's not 10 million workers willing to take their place for any price. And if we did attempt such a deportation the US would be portrayed in the same light as Nazi Germany and it's "Final Solution". And although that's a bit of a stretch, we'd certainly deserve some serious criticism for inhumane treatment.
Jon Kyl's idea of extra border security AND guest worker program is the only one that has a chance of working. A carrot and stick process. The bottom line is that we must make it easier to for mexican workers to be legal than not.
But if you had dreams of riding america of mexican workers, then give it up. Illegal or not, they're staying, because there are no good alternatives.
It is possible. If we set up a program that put the illegals already here in the program, requiring them to return home after their time was up, it could work. It is unacceptable to grant amnesty again.
a formalized guest worker program will simply allow businesses that would not normally hire illegals - to now be able to do so legally. Home Depot and Walmart and alot of other low skill service businesses will be loading up these guest workers, and lowering wages. the businesses that hire illegals now, paying cash and paying no taxes - will simply continue to do so.
We need to restore respect for our immigration laws. That means we need to enforce those laws in a fair and consistent manner. It is not fair or consistent to reward those who came here illegally and give them priority in a guest worker system.
They must be deported. If they go willingly, they we could generously allow them to still apply to the guest worker program. If we have to seek them out and aprehend them, they should be banned from applying, if not permenantly, at least for a considerable number of years.
What part of "illegal" do you not understand?
"What are you talking about? Is your goal a "white only" america or something?"
Your an a$$hole for borrowing from the Leftist playbook with the "race card" -like comment. I happen to disagree also, but comments like that belong on the KOS/DU hysteria playground.
A point worth repeating. The unemployment rate is 4.9 percent. If those 10 million workers disappeared we would feel it. Mexico is the country with the problem. A quarter of its workforce is here.
Sure there is, back home where every illegal alien belongs. McCain and his liberal clone Ted Kennedy can take their amnesty and stuff it because it has no support in the country except for a few open border apologists, which by the sound of things includes you.
A social liberal can always be identified regardless of party registration. Confounding basic anthropology, substituting well worn red herrings and then mixing in a tortured suggestion of racism is a sure sign.
If a Republican, these subscribers are welcome because they add flavor to the forum and provide its conservative members with live fire practice. Keep weaving and dodging but always wave the banner high. Social conservatives enjoy the pursuit and an agile adversary is difficult to recruit.
What is your goal? An America where a hundred languages are spoken driving a wedge between every faction? An America that isn't quite "chocolate" but rather a nice shade of brown?
Do you have a heritage you wish to see survive or are you all for supplanting two hundred years of heritage with another?
Why should we give in?
The actual number is more along the lines of 25 million. They will go precisely where the smilling American Citizen with the cute little M-16 tells them to go. Now, that can be in their shiny new pickups and Explorers/Blazers with the wife and kids with a tank of gas and a map headed south.
It can be in the train cars with the shirt on their back and their matricula consular "ID" stuffed in their back pocket and NOTHING else.
As far as I am concerned there is not a bit of difference.
Either one will do just fine. What will NOT do is to let a block of population sit in this country illegally and continue to alienate themselves from the rest of the Citizens, demand that American Citizens pay for the medical, education and welfare for themselves and their offspring and then have the ignorant RACIST attitude that those very same American Citizens "stole" the United States of America from "them" and we "owe them" everything that has been built on this continent since Lewis and Clark.
THAT is what is not acceptable and if continued by said and same ILLEGAL ALIENS and the government of the United States does not enforce the law and eject the illegal aliens from this country there is a real possibility that a internal war will erupt and the illegal aliens will do just about as well as anyone with a scrap of knowledge in the area would predict.
And THAT Skippy, is what is not a "good alternative."