"In the 2008 election, 24,408,960 in the Voting Age Population will be missing because of abortions between 1973-90."
Very interesting indeed. And how many will be missing in 2012 (for people NEVER born between 1991-1994). Or 2016 (1995-1998). It just goes on and on, sadly.
Actually, it's a bigger affect than you've stated because it's cumulative. For example, for 2012 it includes not just those who would have been born between 1991-1994, but everyone who would have been born from 1973-1994. (If you were going to compute the actual numbers, you'd have to subtract those who would have died from other causes before 2012, but I wouldn't expect this to be a very large percentage, since the oldest in this entire group would only be 39.)