Soros most likely has dummy accounts on a worldwide level and in countries without strict tax reporting laws, who knows what sort of funding, and from where, is filling the coffers of the likes of MoveOn.Communism.
For the near future keep in mind Mr.Soros is on record stating he foresees the U.S. Dollar(USD) heading downward, which translates into Soros shorting the USD in a massive way.
This is the well seasoned, without scruples currency trader who triggered the 'Asian Flu' back in 1998-99. That economic crisis inflicted enormous harm on numerous Asian economies, and had ripple effects world-wide. Many little guys in Asia had their savings wiped out. He started with Malaysia's currency and the rest fell like dominoes.
We are cognizant how this anti-American swine attempted to buy the last presidential election for AlGore. This is a guy who should know better then to cause so much economic suffering, from his own personal suffering during the Holocaust, but no, it looks like it took his very soul away and replaced it with a leftist agenda based on ruthless greed.