Non sequitur. How many children in this country do suppose have living wills? Haliegh is a child, without an advocate to speak for her except for the step-father who attempted to murder her. His only motive is self-preservation.
I'm sorry to disappoint you, but speaking as a former paramedic (I served over 10 years in the city of Chicago), the right thing to do with children is to throw out the rule book, for they will surprise you every time.
To emphasize my point, a child not too much younger than Haleigh fell into Lake Michigan, and it took divers more than 45 minutes to find him. According to the "rules", brain death begins within 6 minutes of cardiac and respiratory arrest. Compassion caused medical personnel to take a chance, and he was revived.
His hospital stay was lengthy and his memory was virtually wiped clean, but in the end he was returned alive and whole to his family.
The only rule with treating children is...there aren't any rules.
My point had nothing to do with the child. Don't know where you received that wrong information from...