"Then it was proved otherwise. Do we think that Hillary didn't know this?"
PLEASE keep remembering that! Every Democrat alive will sell you and your Democratic family down the river...and then bill you for the full price of the trip!
But sadly, there are many, many people out there that still believe this was all a set-up; that the Clintons are innocent of all wrong-doing and that it's a Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy that keeps them from their birth-right as King & Queen of America.
Work hard to defeat them. Whenever and wherever you can.
Work hard to defeat them. Whenever and wherever you can.
The democrats don't seem to realize how many they have alienated by their tactics and the Clinton's for their duplicity. Many, such as my mother (who was active in the democratic party) have just given up and won't even vote anymore. I, on the other hand, have gotten angry. I am on the brink of becoming a broken glass republican because of them. Is there a democrat party savior out there for these times? I haven't seen one out there other than Zell.