I suppose they could have left him alone in the bathroom for a while to cool off -- surrounding it to keep the public safe. They might have tried to get his parents there, or a friend or pastor who might have been able to reason with him. But then, if he had killed himself, they'd be in trouble for leaving him alone. If he hurt someone else, again, they're in trouble.
It seems like the time to help this kid was when he threatened to blow up the bus. I wonder what sort of help he received. I hope he pulls through and gets help now.
If he dies by his own hand that is another story entirely. IMO, the police would have had no control over that and could not have been held responsible.
SVTCobra03, You purposely mischaracterised my remarks. As a citizen, I feel perfectly justified in criticising the police when they deserve it. I don't always buy the 'split second decision' argument, especially when it smacks of failure to employ rational means other than confrontation. I mean, how much smarter are we than a fifteen year old?
The decision to have a sniper take out the Orlando bank robber who had a hostage in a vehicle was perfectly justified however.