Homeschooling is great, anyone with the ability to procreate can do it.
Explain algebra theory to me, since everyone should be able to.
Quick, now.. right sharply.. hit me with that theory.
I've earned two master's degrees (one in education). My wife has earned a master's degree. What this man is saying is that we are unqualified to homeschool our two daughters, and that we are abusing them by doing so. I'd consider that "crap."
Of course, not every parent makes a good homeschooling parent. But outright denying people the right to homeschool is ridiculous and evil.
I would, but algebra makes my brain explode.
What IS "algebra theory"?
We HS'ed #1 son to age 16. He learned algebra. Problems - equations. He's making all A's in his first semester in PS. Including Geometry - which looks like Calculus to me.
Seems to "Socialize" whatever that means, fine. Has an after school job, and making new friends. As well as keeping old friends.
It looks like public school has made you ignorant beyond your wildest dreams.
Pull your head out of it. Public school is a great place to learn to give head. That's about it.
If Canadian public schools are anything like American ones, they're chock full of teachers (including math teachers) who can't do even simple algebra problems.
Explain algebra theory to me
albebra isn't a theory...u learn that in public school?
Explain algebra theory to me, since everyone should be able to.
Quick, now.. right sharply.. hit me with that theory."
Perhaps it is better to first ask every public school algebra teacher that question in order to establish a baseline.
What do you mean by "algebra theory?"
Quick, now.. right sharply.. hit me with that theory.
The odds are much greater that a home schooled person could correctly respond than a public schooled person.
1 + 2 = 2 + 1?
More importantly, can you tell me what is the purpose of education?