Posted on 01/05/2006 10:42:21 PM PST by Coral Snake
Now is the time for Congress and America to sock it to New York's Bloomberg, says gun law expert
Washington, DC 20005
January 4 2006
"It's about time Congress and America's scores of millions of law-abiding firearm owners combined to really sock it to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other local gun-hating officials around the country," gun law expert John Michael Snyder said here today.
"Fortunately," he added, "an absolutely appropriate legislative vehicle for doing just this already has been proposed in the U.S. House of Representatives."
Snyder said Bloomberg's inaugural pledge on New Year's Day to bring his proposal for more restrictive gun controls to the New York State Capitol in Albany and to the capitols of other states "is absolutely outrageous. It is an attempt on his part to blame others for problems with which he is incapable of dealing."
Snyder said that, "Bloomberg and other gun-grabbing politicians and officials bear much responsibility for violent criminal attacks on the innocent. Anti-gun policies of Bloomberg and his ilk lead criminals to realize they generally will not face armed citizens as they engage in their nefarious activities. There's nobody to stop these criminals and that largely is Bloomberg's fault and the fault of other anti-gun politicians. The policies of Bloomberg and company disarm law-abiding citizens and render decent people helpless in the face of violent criminal behavior. In a very real sense, the blood of the innocent is on their hands!"
"There is hope, though," said Snyder, "that Bloomberg and the others can be stopped in their tracks. Just before Congress adjourned last month, Congressman Cliff Stearns of Florida introduced H.R. 4547. This bill would amend title 18 of the United States Code to provide a national standard in accordance with which nonresidents of a State may carry concealed firearms in the State."
H.R. 4547 would provide that, notwithstanding any provision of the law of any State or political subdivision thereof, a person who is not prohibited by Federal law from possessing, transporting, shipping or receiving a firearm and is carrying a valid license or permit which is issued by a State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm (other than a machinegun or destructive device) may carry in another State a concealed firearm (other than a machinegun or destructive device) that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce.
"What this would mean," continued Snyder, "is that if an individual legally may carry a concealed firearm in a State, he could carry it in another state, including New York.
"Enactment of this measure, similar to previous Stearns measures, really would turn the tables on Bloomberg and other local gun-haters who in effect oppose the ability and right of law-abiding American citizens to defend themselves and their loved ones from the violence of criminal predators."
Snyder said that, "promotion of the Stearns measure, referred to the House Judiciary Committee, should be right at the top of the agenda of the 80 to 85 million law-abiding gun owners in the United States. Let's encourage Members of Congress who believe practically in the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms to cosponsor H.R. 4547 as soon as possible."
John M. Snyder ( Manager Telum Associates, LLC P P Box 2844 Arlington, VA 22202 Phone : 202-326-5259 Fax : 202-898-1939
Not to mention someone who gets a permit in say, Florida, who actually lives in NY being able to carry.
Full faith and credit for Concealed Carry is waaaay overdue.
How many other FReepers can hook their thumbs under their suspenders and say "That's MY Congressman!?"
Yay Cliffy!
Does anyone know whether the proposed legislation would protect employees from corporate policy reprisals? How about restaurant and retail customers?
Thanks for saving me the trouble of writing exactly what you did.
Full faith and credit If my TX DL is good in New york then my Texas CHL (which was much harder to get) should be also.
How many legs would a horse have if the Supreme Court called a tail a leg?
This is a great idea....
But, I bet you can't get the votes to put it through.
That isn't cocking New York. It is liberating us!
I think I'll go to bed before I make any more amusing typos.
This almost sounds too good to be true.
I have mixed feelings about this. I love guns, own dozens, and have held carry permits in three states.
However, this is coming mighty close to trampling on the principles of federalism and states' rights.
I suspect this may pass muster under the Militia Clause, but as far as I know, no court has ever held that the Second Amendment has been incorporated by the 14th.
Hmmm, -- just what 'principle is trampled' by admitting that our right to keep & bear arms cannot be infringed by local or state governments?
I've never quite understood what right is lost by demanding that States comply with our 'Law of the Land', just as Art VI says.
Perhaps you two can explain?
Only the good and obedient would disarm for Bloomberg
And Bloomberg has a conflict of interest in taxing towns surrounding NYC for his own problems. It's always the same thing: corrupt confederate judges trying to control and take other wealthy counties' revenues by blaming them...all the while they maintain in their own counties the very criminals which will be used to link and accuse other counties.
We need a Lincolnian enforcement of Union interest in this. Bloomberg is violating interstate commerce and causing extrajudicial interferences
Bloomberg is basicaly seeking the enforcing of a "public-private" third way partnership with criminals: he's asking NYC criminals to contribute to the blaming of other cities. It's like the drug war: first they let the dealer squeeze you, and, then, once squeezed out, the dealer becomes informant and denounces said people who get squeezed by the cops...whatever's left of it, that is.
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