"You reap what you sow. Engage in risky sexual behavior and deal with the consequences."
Indeed. While you may well have had no sexual activity when you were a teen, other teens were not abstinent, however old you are.
Some teens are always sexually active. I think we should help those teens understand how to minimize the risks of STDs and pregnancy. The ones who will remain abstinent will still remain abstinent.
Maybe it should be the parents' responsibility to educate their children about sex. Novel theory, no?
Of course! Telling kids who are confused or on the fence that they can have all the risk-free sex they want if they only use condoms (with their 15% failure rate) won't make a single additional one take the plunge and start having sex so she can fit in with her peers. Why didn't I think of that? Of course teenagers are invulnerable to pressure from outside sources!
"Comprehensive sex education" is a euphemism for a multi-year advertisement for promiscuity paid for by tax payers. And we all know that advertisements never change behavior, that's why nobody bothers to advertise anymore.