Maybe it should be the parents' responsibility to educate their children about sex. Novel theory, no?
"Maybe it should be the parents' responsibility to educate their children about sex. Novel theory, no?"
Of course it is the parent's responsibility. My parents gave me correct, complete information about sex, including information about pregnancy and STDs (venereal disease in those days). Was I sexually active in high school? Yup. Did I get any girl pregnant or get or transmit any STDs? Nope. Why was that?
Wouldn't it be nice if parents actually did that? Wouldn't it be nice if parents did a lot of things with regard to their children? I sure wish that was the case.
So, let's look at your daughter, assuming you had one. She's 16, and madly in love with the All-State baskeball forward at her school. He's a nice boy, from a nice family that even attends your church. You're happy your daughter is dating a nice boy, instead of one of the hoodlums at her school.
Well, as things go, your daughter ends up having sex with this nice boy. It happens, mlcnnnn, even in the best of families. She gets pregnant. You're opposed to abortion, so she carries the child to term and either keeps it or gives it up for adoption.
It's a common story. It happens in the best of families. It is an avoidable least the pregnancy part.
Nothing has ever prevented parents from doing that. Many won't take the responsibility.