"Santa is being brought up as an innocent fun tradition, there is no secret intent on the school's part to replace God with Santa."
Incorrect point. #1. To some people, telling chidlren to belive in someone who sees them when they're sleeping, knows when they're awak., who can read their prayers in a letter and answer them, is not "innocent fun"' it is a type of religion and idolatry to Christians.
#2. Schools may not be replacing God with Santa but they are teaching children to treat him as if he were some kind of god.
BTW isn't Christmas the TRADITIONAL time of celebration the birth of the Savior of the world?
And to some people healing on the Sabbath was a sin.
Ah, this brings up an interesting point. Are we lying to our kids when we say that Christmas is the day Jesus was born? I mean, the truth is, we really have no idea what day Jesus was born. The best guess is that it was sometime in the spring, given that the shepherds were watching their flocks by night, which is something they did only when they were "in season" (the spring).
Do we have to tell our children, then, as soon as they can possibly comprehend it, that December 25th was in fact a strategic choice made by the 4th century church to counter interest in pagan Saturnalia celebrations?