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To: defenderSD
I've been through two summers here with the same car battery and my battery is doing just fine. They're designed to handle 120-degree heat.

Arizona frys car batterys. In the summer, 110 outside temps, then add on another 75 or so degrees in under the hood in the engine area, and it far and exceeds 120 degrees under the hood.

I had friends that lived in AZ for 6 years and they eventually moved due to the extreme heat.

60 posted on 12/26/2005 9:10:15 AM PST by Jigsaw John
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To: Jigsaw John

I meant that car batteries are designed to handle 120-degree outside air temperatures. Clearly they can handle much higher temperatures under the hood. Both GM and Ford have test tracks in the Phoenix area where they thoroughly test new car models for any heat problems by driving them around in the intense Arizona summer heat. Trust me, cars can handle the heat out here. People can't deal with it quite so well. People who are heat-sensitive and like a cool coastal climate probably end up moving out of the Phoenix area.

62 posted on 12/26/2005 11:12:44 AM PST by defenderSD (¤¤ In a battle of wits against a FReeper, the typical liberal is unarmed. ¤¤)
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To: Jigsaw John
Arizona frys car batterys. In the summer, 110 outside temps, then add on another 75 or so degrees in under the hood in the engine area, and it far and exceeds 120 degrees under the hood.

It's also hot enough to melt a quesadilla on the top of that hood for lunch too. Been there, done that.

I had friends that lived in AZ for 6 years and they eventually moved due to the extreme heat.

Well, when they say "if you can't stand the heat..."

My argument about living in cold vs. hot climate is, it's easier to get cool when it's hot, than to get warm when it's cold! :o)

79 posted on 12/26/2005 3:46:11 PM PST by kstewskis ("Go to your room!"....Dan Rowan to Dick Martin)
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To: Jigsaw John
I had friends that lived in AZ for 6 years and they eventually moved due to the extreme heat.

I've lived her for 12 years and I've never had problems with batteries. In fact, the truck I traded back in August had a 5 year battery that was 7 years old and still going strong.

It might be because I...

1 -- don't buy cheap batteries from WalMart or AutoZone and
2 -- I actually maintain the batteries in my vehicles.

106 posted on 12/26/2005 6:49:45 PM PST by uglybiker (Iraqis have purple on their fingers. Liberals have brown on their thumbs.)
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