I am old enough to remember Nixon's demise. He was a president that had just been elected by one of the most overwhelming landslides in history and it only took the mainstream media 1.5 years to get the impeachment movement going and to have a lot of people who voted for him asking for his head.
This is how it starts, online polls, late night talk show jokes, talking heads using it as a throw away line, i.e, "I would never call muy opponent a wife beater and no one in my office has every called my opponent a wife beater, I wouldn't stand for anyone calling my opponent a wifebeater", pretty soon his opponent is thought of as a possible wife beater. Get the picture? Look at how quickly his favorables and the opinion on the war changed. Do I think it will happen? Of course not, but I am sure there were more than a few Clintonistas that were shocked by his impeachment. All it would take would be a slight change in the makeup of the House in 06 and all bets are off. You have enough Rhinos in both houses to make it scary. The Pubs will never vote in lockstep like the Dems did with Clinton. Never underestimate your opponents.
I can't stand them anymore. Even Leno has been stepping up the Bush jokes. Not ONE of those so called comedy talk shows attacks the DemocRATs. It's just not funny anymore, it's disgusting. They all need a good punch in the mouth. That would be funny.
I voted for Nixon twice. In his case, he lied to us and we wanted him out. All he had to do was come clean about the break-in (of which he had no prior knowledge) instead of participating in the cover up.