"The judge pretty well disposed of the notion that this is anything other than a particular brand of Christianity."
I have no idea of what you, or the judge, mean by that. What brand of Christianity?
The issue is over whether first causes are by Intelligent Design....that is a long way from the fall of man and redemption through Christ, which is strictly theology and not being proposed as Science by anyone.
It is unbelievable the outright distortions that are perpetuated in this debate.
If someone wants to believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old it does little good to take issue. If someone wants to believe matter can organize itself without any directing agent, intelligent or not, who am I to prove him wrong? Neither assertion is particularly germane to the practice of science. But to see lawsuits over these beliefs fairly well tips the hand of those who pretend science is an innocuous pursuit, void of philosophical implications. Do you know which side of the debate filed the Dover lawsuit?