About the transit strike! Per Foxnews Alert!
Keep those of us cubicle bound informed, pls
I hope he fires them all!
Wonder if this yutz is going to fire them or something
Bloomy has had a free ride. Now we get to see what he's really made of.
so far he's just going over the contigency plan
They are allowing regular traffic on 5th ave
expanding the ferry system
911 and 311 calls up
school attendance up
He should have fired all the transit workers yesterday and the problem would be solved now.
Does anyone have any idea where he is going with all this? Shouldn't he be firing the illegal strikers?
This is ridiculous! FIRE them. F-I-R-E
Jail 'Possibility' for NYC Transit Leaders ^
If the jihadists had a plot planned for NYC this would be a good time to execute it.
The only person who could fire them is Peter Kalikow, the head of the MTA (a semi-autonomous government agency run by neither Pataki nor Bloomberg).
Bloomberg should fire the transit workers for this law breaking illegal strike (just like when Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controlers for their illegal strike back in the early 1980's). The police should step in and temporarily operate the trains on a limited basis, I'm sure they've been trained how.
Can you imagine the high hopes and then the shattered dreams of the shop-owning families who had worked like dogs and who had invested hard-earned money into stocking their shelves while looking forward to a brisk holiday trade?
The union's timing is cruel, vicious, evil, and pure extortion. I hope its leaders and members stockings are empty this Christmas, also. But we know nothing will happen to them......they'll get "amnesty" in the settlement we know will happen sooner or later.
But the lives of many hard-working NYC retailers and their hapless employees will be altered, maybe forever.
The union wretches that stole Christmas........