Thank you. I agree. Take what we can get for now and go from there. And I don't even plan on getting a cc license. I don't want a handgun now, but do have a .22 and a shotgun for hunting. I never wanted a handgun in the house while my boys were growing up; too tempting, even if they had their own air pistols, BB guns, .22s, etc. as they were mature enough to handle each stage.
I think the only reason I would get a handgun is if I'm widowed and decided to still live out here in the boonies alone. The sound of DH or I chambering a shotgun shell heard by anyone that would be lurking around in the house in the dead of night, seems to be enough defense to me for now. ;)
Black was the one arguing against it and the exchange was between 1:40 and 1:46AM...