Posted on 12/09/2005 5:05:37 PM PST by mlc9852
SAN FRANCISCO - Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America and toward Siberia at such a clip that Alaska might lose its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said Thursday. Despite accelerated movement over the past century, the possibility that Earth's modestly fading magnetic field will collapse is remote. But the shift could mean Alaska may no longer see the sky lights known as auroras, which might then be more visible in more southerly areas of Siberia and Europe.
The magnetic poles are part of the magnetic field generated by liquid iron in Earth's core and are different from the geographic poles, the surface points marking the axis of the planet's rotation.
Scientists have long known that magnetic poles migrate and in rare cases, swap places. Exactly why this happens is a mystery.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
BUSH'S FAULT! Impeach Bush to stop the polar relaignment! Aaaaaa!
HALLIBURTON'S FAULT! Tax them into nonexistance! Aaaaa!
It's Karl Rove with another one of his crazy machines!
It's the oil companies' fault!
If everyone stops using aerosols...
We'll be out of gas by 1985...
I am your creator! I am imperfect! Illogical...
The poles reverse every 250,000 years or so, just to make the young earth creationists really mad.
Looks like the north and south poles are getting ready to switch places
Geological Survey of Canada Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Geomagnetism Geomagnetism Daily Movement of the North Magnetic Pole It is important to realize that the position of the North Magnetic Pole given for a particular year is an average position. The Magnetic Pole wanders daily around this average position and, on days when the magnetic field is disturbed, may be displaced by 80 km or more. Although the North Magnetic Pole's motion on any given day is irregular, the average path forms a well-defined oval. stolen from here
Joseph Stoner, a paleomagnetist
That's pretty funny. With that name, I guess his career choice was predestined.
Expect the DemocRATS to blame this on too many Americans having those "Support The Troops" ribbon magnets on their cars. The problem is, after a few months of brainwashing by the MSM, "most" Americans will tell the pollsters that they believe the magnets ARE what is causing it.
Some one on these threads once mentioned that the only tools
needed to fix something was super glue and duct tape.
Let's get up early Saturday morning, have some egg McMuffins at McDonalds, then go fix this thing.
Love you tagline!
Imagine the invaders from our southern border! Canadians! At least they would speak English. Except for Quebec.
Doomed !
"Love you tagline!"
Thank you. I have not served. It honors
my son who deployed Wednesday, and my cousin
who is hospitalized again due to serious injuries
he suffered in the second battle of Fallujah.
God bless you.
They had just learned this was the last episode.
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